Friday, February 18, 2022

How to Sleep with a Snorer in the Room?

When dealing with a snoring spouse or partner what you mustn’t do is not address the issue at all. This doesn’t help either of you. Sleepless nights are injurious to the health of both of you.

And in addition, they can cause real problems in your relationship. So here you’ll find a series of practical tips on how to deal with a snoring spouse or partner.

Health and Relationship Issues Associated With a Snoring Spouse or Partner

The health issues shouldn’t be underestimated. Lack of proper, regular sleep leads to many health issues, not the least of which is a lowered immune system which then leaves you open to many illnesses and infections.

Also, it’s known that lack of proper rest and sleep leaves you fatigued during the day, and so this affects your work as well as your relationships.

Lastly, chronic snoring has caused many partners to move to separate bedrooms in order to escape the terrible sounds. And things have gotten so bad in some cases that the marriage or relationship has actually broken up!

These are very good reasons why you need to deal with your snoring spouse or partner and deal with it urgently…

Your First Steps in Dealing With a Snoring Spouse or Partner

So, once having gently and calmly confronted them over the issue and have explained the effect on you and them, what can be done to deal with their snoring issue?

The first thing is for you to be fully up to speed with all of the stop-snoring remedies and products out there so that you can then explain to your spouse or partner the options that they have open to them. And because you can work together on this it removes any conflict that may arise.

Some folks have been so bad that they have had surgery to try to resolve their problem, but this is a last-ditch issue and shouldn’t be considered until all else has failed. But, by understanding the causes of snoring, and addressing them, there is no reason why you should fail.

At its simplest, snoring is caused by loose tissue that has moved into an airway when the muscles are relaxed during sleep. 

Because the airway then becomes partially blocked the air speeds up through the restricted space and becomes turbulent. This turbulence causes the loose tissue to vibrate thus causing the sounds of snoring.

Practical Tips on How to Deal With a Snoring Spouse or Partner

One of the first things to do is to consider the weight of the snorer. If he or she is overweight then they will have more flesh around the neck putting pressure on the airway and more tissue to cause problems. So one tip would be to persuade them to get down to their healthy weight.

Next, does the snorer have a heavy meal and/or drink alcohol before bedtime? If they do, then this must change as a full stomach puts undue pressure on the diaphragm which will impede breathing, and alcohol will relax the muscles even more.

Another thing to look for is their sleeping position. Many snorers are back sleepers. In this position, the lower jaw and the tongue often move back effectively restricting the airway and causing snoring.

Change to side sleeping to help against this. You can fix a tennis ball or similar to their pyjamas to help, although you can buy products to do the same.

There are many products you can buy online or over-the-counter to help with the underlying causes of snoring.

For example, there are stop-snoring pillows that help to give a better sleeping position that helps keep the airways open. There are other things like snoring mouthpieces, nose strips, snoring chin straps, sprays, and so on…

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…