Monday, February 28, 2022

Correlation Between Obesity and Snoring

No one likes to be told that they’re overweight and need to lose a few pounds; we often equate obesity with being physically unattractive and know how hard it is to shed that unwanted weight. 

But with all the other reasons one might consider slimming down, there is a distinct connection between obesity and snoring.

While many think of snoring as just an annoying habit, it’s actually much more dangerous to the health than many realize; it can be a signal of other severe health problems and conditions. 

So let’s look at the connection between obesity and snoring and see if one can’t be convinced to stay in shape as much as possible.

Snoring is caused when air passes over the area of the back of the mouth and throat and “rattles” the tissue inside, making the noise we call snoring. This doesn’t happen if there is enough room for the air to pass through and not disturb the tissue; this is the first connection between obesity and snoring.

When a person is overweight and obese they are putting excessive pressure on that area of the throat and mouth because of the excess tissue and fat in those areas. 

While being overweight may not actually cause snoring, there is this distinct connection between obesity and snoring; a person snores when their mouth falls open during sleep and not everyone that’s overweight will sleep in this particular position.

Another connection between obesity and snoring is that being overweight can put so much pressure on the airways and the lungs that a person makes all sorts of noises during the night that we consider to be snoring even though technically they’re not.

For instance, many who are overweight will gasp, snort, choke, and gurgle during the night and we think of these as being part of the connection between obesity and snoring even though they’re not really snoring noises.

All of these connections between obesity and snoring should make a person consider their health overall. Gasping and snorting during the night both mean that you’re not getting enough air, and snoring itself can lead to various throat and mouth problems.

There are actually many reasons why one should consider keeping their weight under control, and the connection between obesity and snoring is just one of them. Being overweight is not just a problem of one’s looks, but is a serious health concern as well.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple 3-minute throat exercises permanently eliminate snoring as soon as tonight.

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What Sleeping Position is Best to Stop Snoring?

Many have heard and read the tip about sleeping on one’s side to help eliminate snoring. Following this advice, it turns out, can go either way. As it happens, there are two types of snorers: positional and non-positional.

The former was people who snored only when they slept in a supine position and the latter, were those who snored regardless of their sleep position.

Aside from the nuisance of chronic snoring, a majority of sufferers also have sleep apnea which causes a rise in the risk of other problems such as stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Because of this, interest in finding a way to stop snoring is getting a boost.

Some really don’t even know they snore, but it surely is usually a sign of a serious problem. In case you do snore — find out the cause of the problem to know why you snore — after that, you can have the actions ideal for you to solve the issue.

What sleeping position is best to stop snoring?

Sleep position is an important factor in reducing snoring. It is one part of a larger factor called sleep hygiene that can be addressed to reduce snoring. Sleep hygiene includes sleep position, regular sleep habits, avoidance of alcohol or sedatives before bed, allergy management, and staying hydrated. Sleep position is critical for many reasons.

Propped Up

One of the best and most comfortable positions you can sleep in which will help to stop you from snoring is to use two or three pillows to prop yourself upon.

This will help to keep your airways open. When they are open they will not vibrate and cause the noise that so often keeps our partners awake at all hours of the night.

If you do not like to sleep on your back then try laying on your stomach and using your hand or pillow to keep your chin propped up this is a useful anti-snoring sleeping position. This helps to raise your stomach up and will also work to keep your airways and lungs wide open.

Are YOU a Snorer? Do You live with a Snorer? Snoring is not good for the health of the snorer or the ones who must listen! Many remedies exist to stop snoring. Here is a simple remedy for snoring that really works!

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Friday, February 25, 2022

The 3 minute Snoring Exercise to Save Your Goodnight's Sleep

Generally, snoring is caused by blockage and narrowing of the breathing passage whether it's around the throat, nasal passages, or mouth. Due to this blockage, the soft tissues in the breathing passages begin to flap in the airflow – which is what causes the loud noises.

However, due to the different types of blockages depending on the position and magnitude of the blockage, snoring problems differ from person to person. 

Nevertheless, there are typically five common causes that block airflow. This, in turn, results in five different types of snoring. Keep in mind, however, that one person may have one or more of these types of snoring.

The five different types of snoring include;

  1. Snoring is associated with sleep apnea which is caused by the throat clamping down
  2. Snoring is caused by the tongue falling into the throat when one is sleeping
  3. Congestion or narrowing around the nasal passages blocks the airflow
  4. Snoring is caused by tension in the jaw which, in turn, causes the air passages to narrow
  5. Snoring is caused by a weak or unusually large soft palate

With the five common and different types of snoring existing, it comes as no surprise that one mode of treatment may not work for the other. 

In other words, one cannot execute the same principle for decongesting the nasal passages to treat snoring associated with sleep apnea.

Just like how nasal strips may not be effective for treating snoring caused by weak tongue muscles. Thus, the number one solution to treating snoring is first finding out what type of snoring one suffers from.

However, even if one finds the answer to the type of snoring they suffer from, conventional treatment may not necessarily work. This is because such treatments are used to mask the symptoms temporarily and normally require to be used indefinitely. 

Unlike conventional treatment, The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program addresses the root cause of the problem – rather than applying temporary bandages.

The program uses up to 24 different snoring exercises that focus on each snoring problem – allowing one to truly address the issue. 

Again, unlike conventional treatment, snoring exercises only take a minimum of three minutes to complete.

The program works in three basic steps.

Step 1

During the first step, one should understand exactly what causes their snoring. In the program, one will find simple diagnostics tools in the form of questions to easily find out the type of snoring they are experiencing. 

Some of the key questions they may be asked include – "do you snore even when you sleep with your mouth closed?" – in this case, their partner may help them answer.

For this particular question, if the answer is “yes”, then, they may be snoring due to issues with the nasal passages. For a concrete verification, they may be a follow-up question. 

Depending on the answers to the follow-up questions, one will have access to exercises particularly crafted for that type of snoring.

Step 2

The second step is a no-brainer! In this stage, one learns the exercises specially tailored for their type of snoring. 

Typically, about 3 to 4 exercises are recommended in the program based on the user’s type of snoring – whether it's throat, tongue, nasal passage, jaw, or soft palate exercises. Each exercise normally takes about a minute or two. Thus, it takes about 3 to 5 minutes to complete each day’s session.

During the first day of the program, one should put aside an additional five minutes to learn the directions and tips on how to navigate the entire program and to ensure one fully utilize it. 

During this process, one will experience results on the first day according to the official program site. Nonetheless, they are advised to keep doing the exercises until the end of the program.

Step 3

The third step is to learn the most powerful and best sleeping positions to prevent snoring. According to the official site, however, this step is optional. During this stage, one learns how to sleep in a proper position to further complement the efforts in opening up the breathing passages. 

For example, one of the sleeping positions in the program recommends that one lays on their back or sleeps on their side – depending on what works for the person.

Learn more about the science behind how The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program works

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Why Do Men Snore More Than Women?

Though the battle of the sexes continues over years, nobody wants to be the first to claim when it comes to snoring. But the fact remains that it is not just restricted to men as women snore too.

However, though the percentage of men snoring is higher, as compared to women but why does anyone snore? The most baffling aspect is that people breathe 24/7 but snore only at night when asleep. Why don’t you snore when you are awake?

The major reason why men snore more than women is due to the higher intake of alcohol and addiction to smoking. 

When you consider these aspects, it is important to remember that snoring happens when there is loose tissue and muscles but during the day the muscles are toned which ensures that there are no blockages while breathing when you sleep, the muscles relax and lose tone.

That causes the loose tissue in the throat to block the nasal passages which leads you to snore as the air vibrates the tissues as it goes in and out.

In addition, men smoke more than women and the smoke that you inhale is full of harsh chemicals which in turn cause the inner membrane of the trachea and breathing passages to inflame which narrows the airways. This in turn aids snoring. As men smoke more than women do, men tend to snore more.

Another factor that contributes to snoring is the tongue falling back into the throat. This leads to a blockage in the throat and compresses the nasal passages leading to snoring. If you snore mildly to moderately then it is best to find a snoring cure for your problem.

Another factor is that the breathing passages of men are smaller than that of women and that is why any blockage leads to a quick collapse of muscles and you tend to start snoring. A smaller airway means a narrow path to inhale and exhale which in turn vibrates the soft throat tissue and causes you to snore.

The position of the tongue is another factor that leads to snoring. If it is in the wrong position, breathing is impaired, and snoring starts. Men with a smaller jaw are more at risk of snoring than those with a broad jaw.

When the tongue is cramped, it falls back without the toned muscles supporting it when asleep. While the women's jawline is recessed and the tongue is better positioned which in turn reduces the risk of snoring.

But if you thought women don’t snore much, many do because the physiologically human body is the same but it is minor differences that lead a person to snore.

Other causes that lead to snoring include obesity, nasal bone deformities, excess consumption of dairy products, and respiratory diseases. All of these can affect both men and women equally and lead to snoring.

And of course, the hormonal imbalance is another reason why women snore and become more pronounced during pregnancy. The rise of estrogen levels in the body leads to inflammation and that affects the trachea which is often swelled and snoring ensues as a result. 

You can try nasal drops that are tried and tested to stop snoring as it works for men and women equally well.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.

Monday, February 21, 2022

7 Strategies on How to Reduce Nasal Snoring

Nasal snoring is where the snoring sound comes from the membranes in the nose. When air goes through the nose, conditions in it cause vibrations that create snoring noise.

Also for the most part snorers tend to breathe harder: due to conditions in the nose: obstructions, congestion, and the physical makeup of the nose.

Other Causes

Structures in the nose can stick together in the breathing pathway and cause vibrations. Some people have a condition where the sides of the nose can collapse causing snoring.

Seven strategies you can do at home to clear nasal congestion
  • OTC nasal sprays can help with congestion in the nasal and sinuous passages.
  • Nasal strips work on the outside of the nose with adhesive which attaches to the nose to open the nostril.
  • Antihistamines-help with congestion due to allergies
  • Nasal dilation devices are an aid to support the nostrils that can collapse. It fits into the nose and opens and supports it from the inside out.
  • The homemade nasal spray is a substitute for OTC sprays it involves adding sea salt to boiling water, one teaspoon of salt to a cup of water-cool, and put into a sanitized bottle.
  • Steam breathing in steam can help to clear nasal passages as well.
  • Mangosteen juice can help to reduce inflammation.
Acupressure is another approach to nasal congestion

Acupressure is a concept of applying gentle pressure with the thumb and forefinger to pressure points which help to open up nasal passages. There are three points:
  1. The bottom of the nostrils-both sides.
  2. The top of the nose (by soft membrane and bone) on both sides.
  3. Below both sides of the ear lobe.
For more persistent cases of nasal snoring or congestion

For more persistent congestion, prescription nasal l sprays and oral drugs may help. These steroidal-based sprays offer quick relief from sinuous and nasal congestion.
  • Oral corticosteroid drugs can help to reduce inflammation, they are gotten by prescription as well.
  • Prescription nasal sprays are steroidal-based sprays that relieve strong congestion and inflammation.
  • Decongestants that help a person breathe more freely can be administered orally or by spray.
These strategies should help you to reduce or stop your snoring. However, if you’re not getting results, seeing a medical professional would be your next step. Your medical professional may want you to consider participating in a sleep study, to analyze your condition.

Sleep laboratories what to expect

Sleep laboratories will do a detailed study of your sleep patterns. You will most likely stay overnight during the study and may need to fast beforehand. You will have a number of testing devices that are used to take measurements.

Airflow devices in the mouth devices, that attach to the chest will study your breathing rate. Once the study is finished you and your medical professional can review the results and will more clearly understand what causes you’re snoring.

Once you know the cause or causes of your snoring you can more effectively select a solution that counteracts the cause, reducing or eliminating your snoring.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

4 Types of Surgery to Stop Snoring

Have you tried all the stop-snoring remedies? You have cut back on alcohol, lost some weight, bought an anti-snoring pillow, tried the medications, and still have no relief from your snoring?

Are you tired of being tired from snoring? What about your partner — she is suffering as much from sleep deprivation as you are.

If you have tried it all and nothing has worked, it may be time to talk to your doctor and consider surgery.

Snoring can be very serious. Chronic snoring affects your health and can actually shorten your life. Surgery to correct snoring may be a last resort option, but a good ear, nose, and throat doctor will be able to advise you as to whether you are a good candidate for surgery or not.

He will determine that your snoring comes from the soft palate rather than the base of the tongue before he beings cutting.

4 Types of Surgery To Stop Snoring

1. Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) is the surgery performed most often. This can be done under a local or general anesthetic in an outpatient setting. This type of surgery is considered very safe. 

A laser is used to vaporize the free edge of the soft palate and also the uvula. This surgery is very effective and has few if any side effects.

2. UPPP or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty does about the same thing as LAUP. The excess tissue of the soft palate and uvula is removed. 

However, surgery of this type may also remove the tonsils, adenoids, and other tissues which may be blocking your air passageway. This surgery is a little more invasive, can be done only with a general anesthetic, and can take up to three weeks for a full recovery. 

Side effects may include difficulty swallowing as well as recovering from the anesthetic.

3. Nasal surgery may be performed in order to remove any obstructions in the nose. A deviated septum can also be corrected by nasal surgery.

4. Radiofrequency tissue ablation (RFYA) shrinks excess tissue by using a needle electrode that emits radiofrequency energy. 

Any tissue offal is naturally reabsorbed by the body. This form of surgery can also be performed using a local anesthetic in an outpatient setting. The use of this technique should minimize pain and bleeding.

Your doctor will determine what is the best course of treatment for you, but first, you have to make that appointment. Do it today!

Are YOU a Snorer? Do You live with a Snorer? Snoring is not good for the health of the snorer or the ones who must listen! Many remedies exist to stop snoring. Here is a simple remedy for snoring that really works!

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

By Drinking This Juice Before Bed, You Can Reduce Snoring in No Time!

Natural cures pertain to products and treatment strategies that don’t require drugs or devices to provide relief to snoring. And since the ingredients are easily available from around you, you won’t have to visit a doctor or schedule consultations with them.

The snoring natural cures include the following: proper diet, lifestyle change, and improved sleeping position.

The easiest and probably the most effective remedy to snoring is a change in your lifestyle. Are you the person who loves to engage in binge drinking? Do you normally drink alcoholic beverages at night before going to sleep?

If so, try to make that shift. Stop drinking beers, wines, and anything else alcoholic during the night so you won’t have to worry about snoring as you sleep.

Also, sleeping pills may trigger snoring. So if you are technically dependent on these medications, try to decrease your daily dose up until you can do without them. Of course, this should be done under your doctor’s guidance.

Once you don’t have to take sleeping pills at night, you will be able to sleep well — and without snoring too much. A good natural alternative to sleeping pills is a tall glass of warm milk.

A diet change can also help you fight to snore. Exercise and diet go hand-in-hand. Everybody should have known that by now. You follow a healthy diet plan primarily because you want to keep your body mass within normal.

Obesity and being overweight can trigger snoring as well. Following a healthy diet would not only free you from snoring — but from all other types of health problems too.

Drinking This Homemade Juice Before Bed Will Help You Stop Snoring

The anti-snoring juice

There is a strong rationale behind the ingredients that make this an awesome drink. They do work together, promoting not only better sleep, but a healthy blood flow that definitely improves your body’s respiratory rhythm. These factors are essential to prevent sleep apnea and, therefore, snoring.

The ingredients required are as follows:
  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • ¼ lemon
  • A thumb piece of ginger

Perfect as snacks on their own, apples happen to be full of vitamins and nutrients that actually promote sleep. They also contain polyphenol antioxidants, which are essential for a healthy immune system.


According to a major study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, people who consume low nutrients daily are also the most problematic to achieve deep sleep.


Raw lemon juice is universally known to improve sleep. According to the Budwig Center of Natural Therapies, increasing the consumption of lemons per week (up to 7 a week) will eventually put the body in what is known as an “alkaline pH state” which boosts capabilities such as anti-inflammation, immunity, and even blood sugar balance.


The root of ginger is well-known for its ability to relax tissue, increase circulation, and even with digestion.

Yet, out of all nutrients, alpha-carotene (contained in carrots in huge amounts), is the highest associated with the achievement of deep sleep.


Put all the ingredients in a blender and drink it for a few hours before you go to bed.

What does all of this mean?

Essentially, the combination of the fruits and vegetables in this super drink contributes three major things: muscle relaxation, improved circulation, and nutrients that boost sleep hormones.

Enjoy this delicious treat prior to your sleep time. Your body will thank you in the morning!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

How does Snoring Cause High Blood Pressure?

Snoring is not a disease, but it is in fact an unhealthy habit. Not only is snoring disturbing, but it may also lead to more serious health conditions, and high blood pressure (hypertension) is one of them.

How does Snoring Cause High Blood Pressure?

Well, snoring, particularly heavy snoring, occurs when there is a hindrance in the breathing airway. When you are lying on your back, a disturbing sound that is caused by the tongue that is forced to the back of your throat may occur.

When snoring, there are certain chemicals in your brain that are not stimulated while normally they should trigger your breathing. If there is no stimulus like that, you may stop breathing.

If you stop breathing because of snoring, what happens is that you will reduce the oxygen levels, and you will have a rush of adrenaline as well as hormones. The hormones are the ones that cause high blood pressure or hypertension, and they may even lead to a heart attack. 

A study even revealed that women who habitually snore will have the risk of getting heart attacks twice higher than those who do not.

According to research carried out by Semmelweis University in Budapest, those who snore loudly are 40% more prone to high blood pressure. In addition, they are 67% more prone to getting a stroke.

Therefore, when you measure your blood pressure and it shows it is over 120/80 constantly, it means that you have hypertension and you should be cautious. High blood pressure is a silent killer, as there may be no symptoms until it is too late.

Besides hypertension, snoring can actually lead to other conditions such as depression, which may happen when you do not have a good night’s sleep because of your own snoring. This also happens because the lack of oxygen in the brain will make your body not function as usual.

To be able to stay away from snoring and its effects, you can do the following to quit snoring naturally:

  1. Lose some weight — because there will be more fat in the back of the throat
  2. Stop smoking & drinking — they can cause your muscles to be more relaxed than normal
  3. Sleep sideways or add more pillows to prevent the tongue from falling back
Although light snoring may not be as dangerous as heavy snoring, stopping it is still a wise decision. Both you and your sleeping partner will get a good night’s sleep, and your days will be more productive as there will be no disturbance while sleeping.

Knowing the risks of snoring, you should not ignore them from now on. If you or your dearly loved ones snore, you can do the above tips on how to stop snoring naturally.

Also here is something important you don’t want to miss!

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

How Do You Stop Someone from Snoring without Waking Them Up?

One thing that can surely come between you and your sound sleep is your partner’s snoring habit. You love your partner a lot and do not want to pinpoint small things and don’t want to constantly nag him about the way his snoring disturbs your sleep.

But let me tell you, snoring is not only an issue for you as you can’t get sound sleep when the person next to you in bed snores; it can also be a major concern for the health of the person who snores. Snoring is a kind of disease in which the snorer suffers along with the people around him during the night.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring results from the vibration of respiratory structures which actually occurs when the passage of the airway for breathing gets narrower. This may happen due to several reasons. The cause of snoring varies from person to person and you need to carefully examine the actual reason why the person snores.

The common cause of snoring is obesity. If you have a modern lifestyle and depend on junk food a lot, there is a high chance you are overweight. The fat tissues in the neck area can block the airway resulting in snoring.

Other common causes for snoring are drinking alcohol, smoking, and medications. Some medications can cause relaxation of the muscles which allows air to enter the body resulting in snoring.

The way you sleep or your sleeping posture can also be a reason for snoring. Generally, if your partner lies on his back he may snore a lot. Apart from the common causes of snoring, there can be other serious reasons like breathing or sinus problems. Don’t neglect them. Snoring can become a major health problem so it’s good if you consult a doctor and find the actual reason for the snoring habit.

Why Should You Take Snoring Seriously?

You must be thinking that snoring is such a common thing for everyone and it hardly makes any difference to the person who snores because he’s actually sound asleep while snoring!

You may be right in thinking that snoring is a very common problem but you are wrong when you think that it doesn’t affect the person who snores. Because actually the person who snores is the most vulnerable victim and the snoring greatly affects his or her lifestyle as well.

What is the most common thing you noticed in your partner and could not find the reason for it? That thing, my friend, is fatigue. Snoring makes the person feel drowsy during the day.

It might be that your partner is having a serious breathing problem while you are just ignoring it thinking of it as snoring and hence, being a small issue. Sleep apnea is a threatening breathing problem and if the snoring is too loud or to a great extent, a doctor should be consulted at the earliest.

How to Confront Your Partner about His Snoring?

You love your partner a lot and he loves you. But no matter how deep and lovely a relationship is, a snoring habit can annoy anyone and could bring about a little bit of bitterness in the relationship. 

But don’t worry, you can handle the problem in an easy manner and never let snoring come between the two of you.

Be sweet and playful. Don’t just bash your partner because he snores a lot. After all, it’s not in his control. Tell him sweetly that his snoring disturbs your sleep and maybe affects his health too. Be a little playful while telling him so. 

You need to convince him that he needs to solve this health problem and convince him that you totally support him in doing so.

How Do You Stop Someone from Snoring without Waking Them Up?

Have you been woken up in the middle of the night by your partner one too many times? Learn how to stop someone from snoring with easy remedies you can use before they go to bed or during the night the next time that roaring snore train comes headed your way.

It’s horrible, isn’t it? One minute you are sleeping peacefully, maybe in the middle of a great dream, and the next thing you know you are awoken by an extended, loud snore right in your ear. You try pushing on the person next to you, rolling them over, even holding their nose but that darn, obnoxious sound keeps coming back.

Worse, your partner doesn’t even know they’re snoring and your attempts to tell them so are met with a change in subject or a complete brush-off. That’s because they don’t know how really distracting it is to try to sleep with that noise. They don’t hear it!

So, for people who are looking for the answer to how to stop someone from snoring without waking them up, we have some answers lined up just for them in detail below.
  • Help your partner to change his sleeping position. Slightly move them to improve their position if they are not budging. No need to pinch his nose in anger; push his arm and make him change his position even when he is sleeping. It will start working sooner.
  • Make sure there are no allergens around your partner that are making him snore more than ever.
  • Give him a nasal spray or anti-snore clip to wear on the nose before sleeping to keep those snores quiet.
  • You can turn on the humidifier in the room at night to provide moisture in the air. These humidifiers help create dust-free air, and some even make humming sounds at night, which will help your partner to sleep better and consciously.
  • Make sure your partner is taking his sleep times seriously. Do not let him get tired or overworked or skip his night sleeps often. Disrupted sleeping schedules become reasons for bad snoring issues.
  • Provide some pillow support to your partner at the side to make him feel comfortable.
Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Why Do You Start to Snore As You Get Older?

Almost everyone snores sometimes or the other in their lives, even our pets. Snoring in all beings is due to similar reasons and you may be surprised that snoring is nothing to laugh at. There are numerous reasons why all of us snore maybe, sometimes, or maybe on a constant basis.

Usually, if your snoring is mild and there is nothing to worry about immediately but if you have been snoring for quite some time, it is recommended to seek the help of a sleep specialist, as snoring is categorized under sleep disorders.

Most people are unaware that snoring is a harbinger of numerous other illnesses and is not just a butt of jokes. If you or your partner is snoring and looking for a cure to stop snoring, you need to first investigate the real cause of your snoring. 

There is broad categorization for the basic reasons for snoring and based on the cause, you can look for a remedy.

Exhaustion, blocked nasal passages, sinusitis, respiratory diseases, allergies, jaw, and palate misalignment, and obesity are some of the larger reasons that cause snoring. Lifestyle and dietary habits also affect snoring levels as smoking and intake of alcohol influence snoring.

If you are fond of drinking milk or dairy products, you stand a higher chance of snoring more as dairy products tend to increase the production of mucus in the lungs, causing more obstructions in the respiratory passages. Cutting out your intake of dairy products close to bedtime can help you snore less.

Most of the reasons for snoring are connected to nasal blockages that are easily cured with saline water sprays and cold medications while others may be eliminated with good and effective snoring solutions.

Another major cause of snoring is a misalignment of the jaw and palate or a nose bone misconstruction due to congenital injury which can be corrected only by surgery. The anti-snoring remedies are helpful to reduce the problem, but if it is due to a physical issue, it is best to consult a doctor.

Why Do You Start to Snore As You Get Older?

As you age, snoring increases in frequency and regularity while some individuals may suddenly start snoring after the age of 55 years. This is normal as the muscles lose their elasticity or the power to tighten involuntarily.

As you see wrinkles appear, similarly as you age, your jaw, throat, and neck muscles loosen up leading to the tongue falling back into the throat passage, creating an obstruction while breathing which leads to snoring.

With age, extra layers of fat get deposited over the neck region and that adds pressure on the throat muscles contributing to the snores. Snoring individuals are at a high risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, strokes, and cardiac problems early in life.

Therefore, it is important to have the issue of snoring resolved for the betterment and health benefits of the snorer and those around him or her. Today with a multitude of options for snoring solutions, getting a full night’s rest by not snoring is easy and affordable.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do. To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can