Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Vocal Exercises To Help You Stop Snoring

Yes, there is and it cuts down the intensity of your snoring. There are many vocal exercises you can do to stop snoring and they all seek to tighten up your throat muscles and prevent them from rubbing together while you sleep. 

You will need to practice these exercises for at least 3 months before seeing any improvement.

Sing Out Loud

Singing is good for your vocal air passage and if you are prone to sore throats, then try singing in the shower where the warm, moist steam can soothe your throat as you tighten the muscles.

Although there are some CDs that claim to teach you to sing some vocal exercises, you don’t need to bother about them unless you really want to because singing any tune will provide the same benefit.

A study done at the University of Exeter in England showed that 3 months of singing for people with serious snoring problems helped significantly reduce the intensity and length of their snoring. 

The study also asked their roommates (if applicable) for their thoughts after volunteers were given 3 months of singing lessons.

No proof is available to justify whether a style of singing or any particular singing exercise is better for snorers. Your best bet would be to just sing a song or tune that you like and do it at least for 20 minutes a day.


If you do not like singing out loud, there is an alternative for you. When you yawn, you just open your mouth as wide as possible. This will help tighten your inner throat muscles and also your outer neck muscles. The good thing is you can do this anywhere, even in bed. What better way to get some exercise done.

Chewing On A Pencil

You don’t have to bite the pen or pencil in half, you just want a few minutes of fixing your throat and mouth in a position to help tighten your throat muscles to ensure your air passage is clear.

However, don’t make this a habit as it can be awful especially if you are sharing your pen or pencil. You don’t want to leave nice little dents on your pens and pencils.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

The Cure For Snoring Is…Singing?

Are you one of the many people who want to stop snoring? It is one of those conditions which has been the cause of much humor (usually to those who have never had to live with it!), but which has brought misery to the lives of sufferers and their families.

It is said that about 45 percent of the middle-aged population snore. You may be surprised to know that, as recent evidence suggests, singing may be very helpful in relieving symptoms and getting a restful night’s sleep.

Causes of Snoring

Snoring is caused by a narrowing of the airway which, according to Malcolm Hilton, ear, nose, and throat specialist and leader of a 100-patient study into the effects of singing exercises on obstructive sleep apnoea at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in the UK, leads to “turbulent airflow that makes the structures at the back of your throat rattle”.

One of the causes of this narrowing of the air passage is weak muscles in the throat, especially the soft palate. As we get older, our muscles can become more lax, especially if we lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is why snoring is more likely to occur in the older generation.

Singing to the Rescue

So how can singing help stop snoring? Singing and, in particular, singing exercises can tone the muscles of the throat helping to keep the airway open.

Singers learn to develop greater control over the soft palate and improve breathing, both of which will help stop snoring. 

As the throat muscles become stronger, they are less likely to become lax during sleep, allowing the airways to remain open.

Singing to Prevent Divorce or Surgery!

If you’re still not convinced that singing is the way to go to stop snoring, perhaps this will change your mind — in a recent survey, 10 percent of couples said that their snoring problem was so acute they were thinking of splitting up.

You may be wondering what treatments are currently available if you’re hoping to save your marriage. Well, nose strips, clips, and throat sprays can be bought over the counter, but they are unreliable and costly.

If you’re really desperate, you could try laser surgery which only has a 50% success rate. As Hilton says. “Current treatments tend to be either pretty invasive or not very successful.”

So, what have you got to lose? Why not join a choir, take singing lessons or even search out some singing tips or exercises on the internet. Whatever type of singing you choose to do, just 20 minutes a day could see an end to your snoring problem for good.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Monday, May 9, 2022

Do Anti Snoring Nose Drops Work?

As snoring affects over a million people each year all over the world, there are numerous remedies to reduce or even cure it. Serious snoring individuals resort to laser surgeries and other invasive techniques.

However, if you are scared about going under the knife, there are other effective anti-snoring medicines that can be used. Many over-the-counter anti-snoring medications can help get you relief from nighttime snoring, which may not always result in complete elimination of snoring but can reduce the noisy snoring to a large extent.

Just as there are a variety of anti-snoring medications and techniques available, there are many simple remedies and techniques that can further help you end the nightly annoyance. But the question arises why do we even begin snoring?

Well, there can be a variety of reasons that lead to snoring and can be due to the side effects of medications, allergies, respiratory problems, and weight gain. 

However, the most common reason for snoring is ultra relaxation of the throat muscles which leads to excessive tissue vibrating when a person breathes.

The narrowing of the air passages leads to a forceful thrust of air each time it is inhaled or exhaled which makes the loose tissues vibrate leading to the noise of snoring. 

Using remedies and techniques to stop snoring can help to an extent but you need to identify the main cause of your snoring.

Sometimes changing your lifestyle, and giving up vices like smoking and drinking can lead to unprecedented snoring at night. There are many people who use anti-snoring remedies thinking that they will have a miraculous cure and would stop snoring overnight, but no medicine acts like magic.

Out of the many techniques and remedies to cure snoring, anti-snoring nose drops are known to have brought good results. Some of the nose drops are herbal based while there are a few that have been clinically proven as effective anti-snoring medicines. 

Regular use is known to have brought even heavy snoring under control lessening the chances of acquiring sleep apnoea.

So how do nose drops actually help in curing snoring?

A few anti-snoring nose drops help to lubricate the mucous membrane of the air passages and tighten the throat muscles, reducing the vibration of the tissues which leads to a lower snoring rate. Similar to nose drops are throat sprays that work in a similar mode. 

Just spray and swallow and that allows the natural ingredients to coat the throat surface, lubricating d tightening tissues.

Usually, nasal sprays, nose drops, and throat sprays are natural, effective, and regular use does make you snore less. However, it is best to use products that have been clinically tested as the chances of side effects are very low as they have had human trials before being launched in the market.

Using effective anti-snoring nose drops and throat sprays means you get better sleep, rest and feel more energetic, and have a higher degree of concentration. Snoring will not magically go away, but these products do help.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With the simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Steam Inhalation for Snoring

Snoring is present in almost half of the adult population of the world. With this, chances are, your favorite Hollywood star may not look (and sound) so good while sleeping. But if you’re a snorer yourself, that isn’t much to turn you off.

What causes the gurgling sounds during sleep? Snores sound like someone is choking you in your dreams, but don’t push your luck. Unless you get strangled in your sleep every night, the sounds you make do not have anything to do with your dreams. 

A lot of people who are suffering from this problem have no idea of the causes and cures for snoring.

Individuals who have nasal congestion are more prone to become snorers. Those with enlarged tonsils, long palate, uvula, and loose tongue and throat muscles are also very likely to become habitual snorers. 

Men, especially those with weight problems, are also more vulnerable to snoring conditions than women.

Snoring is not a joke. It may be used very often as a punch line, but it is not something we can all take lightly. Snoring can actually be life-threatening. Other health hazards such as hypertension and cardiac arrest are only some of the consequences of habitual snoring. 

Thus, learning about the causes and cures for snoring does not only allow people to achieve restful sleep, but also well-being.

If you think your partner’s snoring is getting better with each passing year, you may only have learned to live with it. 

Snoring worsens with age. And the more they are ignored, the more the snorer is at risk of diseases.

To better understand and address this problem, it is advisable that you learn about the causes and cures for snoring. Mild snoring problems can be helped, even without resorting to medicines that are abundantly available in the market today.

Persons who engage in healthy lifestyles are less likely to have major snoring issues. Those who snore occasionally may be doing so because they are exposed to sedatives, antihistamines, and other sleep-inducing medications before their bedtime.

Also, people suffering from colds or sinusitis will have instances of snoring. This can be prevented by natural remedies such as inhaling steam or treating stuffy noses with saline solutions.

Steam Inhalation for Snoring

Use a facial steam bowl to open up your airways just before you go to bed. This comes in especially handy if a stuffy nose from a cold or allergies is the cause of your snoring.

First, fill a large bowl with hot water. Next, drop your head over it. Get close enough for the steam to do its job but not too close so you don’t get burned. Drape a towel over your head to lock in the moisture. Taking a warm bath or a hot shower also has the same effects.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple 3-minute throat exercises permanently eliminate snoring as soon as tonight.

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Friday, May 6, 2022

Buteyko Breathing Technique For Snoring and Sleep Apnea

The Buteyko Breathing Method is highly effective in silencing habitual snorers. If you are prone to nighttime noise-making, learning how to breathe less during the day will carry over into your slumber and you will find yourself sleeping soundlessly and feeling better.

So many of us snore or have partners who snore, that it is now considered fairly normal. It is estimated that 40% of adults in the United States, over forty years of age, are snorers. But, what’s the big deal other than a bit of nighttime noise?

The problem is that 60–80% of snorers will test positive for obstructive sleep apnea with a sleep study (polysomnogram), and sleep apnea really is a health hazard. 

Untreated obstructive sleep apnea results in a 20% reduction in life expectancy. That is a figure not to be ‘snored’ at!

In most cases, if you can eliminate snoring you can eliminate sleep apnea. Snoring is essentially hyperventilating at night. Normal nighttime breathing is quiet, even, and through the nose.

Snorers will breathe a greater volume of air than required (hyperventilation), through the mouth, creating vibration over the soft tissues of the throat (oropharynx) that are relaxed in sleep. 

The relaxation of the throat structures can also lead to obstruction, or sleep apnea, as does the hyperventilating itself.

Someone who snores, or hyperventilates at night, will almost certainly have a larger breathing volume during the day as well, i.e. they are chronic ‘hyperventilators’. This is not obvious hyperventilation like you might see in someone having a panic attack. 

In fact, it is often referred to as “hidden hyperventilation” because the signs are not obvious.

An occasional sigh or yawn is enough to maintain a breathing volume more than is metabolically necessary. 

The reasons why people over-breathe are numerous and varied, and in many cases unknown, but what we do know is that the brain soon gets used to breathing more and it eventually resets its “breathing thermostat” to continue to tell us to breathe at this higher rate.

When you hyperventilate at night you blow off carbon dioxide. It is blood levels of carbon dioxide that tell the brain how much to breathe. 

If you are breathing a lot (snoring), and your blood levels of carbon dioxide drop, your brain will instruct your lungs to stop breathing in order to allow carbon dioxide levels to rise again.

So, you will have a break in your breathing of a few seconds and then, when carbon dioxide levels rise again, you noisily suck in another mouth breath and start the pattern all over again.

Along with hyperventilation (low blood carbon dioxide) and airway obstruction you get tissue hypoxia which is a lack of oxygen to the tissues. This translates into daytime fatigue and ‘brain fog’. It can also lead to cardiac problems.

The Buteyko Breathing Method for snoring and sleep apnea aims to do pretty much the same thing as a CPAP machine will do — only, you do not need a machine for it. 

CPAP is short for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and it consists of a face mask, or nasal prongs, hooked up to a machine that delivers air under pressure.

This positive airway pressure maintains airway tone, reduces hyperventilation, and keeps the carbon dioxide level up so that apneas are not triggered.

The Buteyko Breathing Method teaches you to do this for yourself so that you do not have to use a noisy and cumbersome CPAP machine. You retrain your breathing volume while you are awake and this eventually carries over into nighttime breathing.

With normal levels of blood carbon dioxide, resulting from normal levels of breathing, hyperventilation at night does not occur and neither does snoring or sleep apnea. You will also find that improved tissue oxygenation reduces fatigue, daytime drowsiness, and ‘brain fog’.

There are many certified Buteyko practitioners throughout the world and they can be found on The Web. 

The Buteyko Breathing Method is not difficult to learn, but it does require a commitment to perform daily breathing exercises until breathing volume is normalized which usually takes a few months. The pay-off is better health and sounder sleep.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With the simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Monday, May 2, 2022

Why Does Snoring Lead to Heart Failure?

Recent studies have revealed that snoring and heart disease is related. Heavy snoring is a symptom of a common health condition, sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes interruption of breathing for more than ten seconds during sleep.

This is also a possible symptom of heart disease. Sleep apnea is common among men. It specifically attacks men who are suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD).

Studies and research conducted over the past twenty years have linked snoring and heart disease. Some researchers have concluded snoring and high blood pressure are similar in nature.

Hypertension was not taken seriously by medical practitioners until researchers linked it to serious heart diseases. Studies also revealed that treating hypertension can reduce the risk of heart disease by a significant amount.

Researchers have concluded a direct link between snoring and cardiovascular diseases. A shocking study in Sweden published in the Journal Sleep (2008) revealed that heavy snorers are more vulnerable to fatal heart diseases. They carry more chances of dying of a heart attack.

Why is snoring bad for your heart?

People snoring heavily tend to develop breath-ceasing periods. They also suffer from fragmented sleep (sleep deprivation). Fragmented sleep can cause stress on the heart.

Snoring arouses people from sleep. These are usually subconscious arousals. During this process, the blood pressure is rising and falls up and down during sleep. This rises blood pressure and the heart requires to work harder against upstream resistance.

The oxygen level of a snorer dips during the night. This is the major cause of heart muscles getting stiff. It faces problems to relax and fill smoothly. 

Hence, the heart is unable to pump efficiently just as it would do with high levels of oxygen.

It is important to find solutions that can relieve or cease snoring. There are several techniques that can be applied to treat snoring. 

These include natural ways, usage of over-the-counter solutions, and surgery. One can adopt various treatment options such as sleeping on their side, losing weight, or using nasal strips, sprays, and medications.

Most people do consider the relationship between snoring and heart disease seriously. They are under the notion that cardiovascular diseases are related to diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and family history.

However, it is crucial to know about the potential health risks of snoring and look out for possible solutions. Testing for CAD and chronic snoring can help you find an adept solution for your problem.

Sleep apnea causes interruption of breathing for more than ten seconds during sleep. This is also a possible symptom of heart disease. Sleep apnea is common among men. It specifically attacks men who are suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD).

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Snoring and Impaired Sexual Performance

We all know that snoring is one of the problems most people suffer from at least one point or another in their life. There are many causes for snoring. 

The most frequent fly-by-night snoring occurs when a person is sick or congested. This evidence of snoring is not only short-lived but brought about as a repercussion of blocked airways.

What happens if you are constantly snoring? It is apparent that you do not have a cold or flu constantly, but your doctors cannot seem to bring about a solution. This is because most people, doctors included, try to mask snoring and place it somewhere it does not belong.

What You Need to Know About Snoring

When you snore, it is the result of obstructed airways. In turn, snoring loosens your soft palate which can obstruct your airways even further. If you are the person who snores loud and proud, you are actually limiting the oxygen intake in your body.

Your body needs oxygen; this is a fact. When your body does not receive the right amounts of oxygen, there is a kind of “alarm” that goes off. This alarm is produced by the Carotid body, located in your throat.

When this happens, your body has to respond in order to maintain stability. In turn, your blood pressure will go up as you are sleeping. When your blood pressure goes up, it causes hypertension.

When speaking of Hypertension, there is a relationship with erectile dysfunction. You can witness this when a man is sleeping. During the course of the night, a man will get an erection; this is normal and should happen.

The cause of this is the body doing regular routine checks to make sure everything is working as it should. When this aspect is not working properly, you will start to snore. 

The same regulator of the airways carries blood flow to the penis. This means that if the blood does not make it to the penis, you will not get an erection.

Studies show that there are direct correlations between snoring and impaired erections. Roughly 50% of people who suffer from heavy snoring, also known as obstructive sleep apnea, have erectile dysfunction.

This information is very alarming to some and often provokes people to get surgeries and try many different methods to solve the problem. 

What many people do not realize is the fact that there are many reasons that cause snoring. Some are simple fixes while others require more work.

If a person really wants to quit snoring, they need to first understand why. After this is accomplished, they will be able to work on a concrete fix rather than a temporary, or quick fix.

Your body needs to be taken care of as a whole in order for it to function properly and at full capacity. Obstructed airways can be caused by:

1. Too much weight

2. Laying the wrong way (on your back)

3. Smoking

4. Carbohydrate Metabolism Impaired

Although these are not the only reasons, they are the most common. As you can see, these are not problems that are fixed with surgery. These are problems that can be resolved with a lifestyle or habit change.

The easiest habit change would be the way you lay down at night. This can simply be solved by placing something behind your back in order to make it uncomfortable when you roll onto it.

Another simple way of solving the problem would be to find out through comprehensive biochemical testing where your carbohydrate metabolism has gone wrong.

Such situations for weight problems and smoking habits are those that take time, dedication, and persistence. 

There are alternate forms to help with situations such as these. They are safe and highly effective. Such alternative choices can be found in Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP for short.

Whichever is your chosen method of relief, it will need to allow for good blood flow and oxygen levels. With this, the threat of erectile dysfunction will be something of the past. Keep in mind, the longer you continue to snore, the more problems you could have.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

How to Choose the Right Stop Snoring Mouthpiece?

Snoring is becoming a more frequent problem because we are more overweight and live longer. The recently developed Anti Snoring Dental Mouthpieces are becoming the first option for the treatment of simple snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea.

There are hundreds of snoring devices on the market but now making this confusing choice can be easy. These dental devices are becoming more popular because they are economical, effective, and easy to use.

Snoring Treatment Options and Outcomes

  • Pharmaceutical, medical and surgical options: Surgical risks are present and outcome success is marginal. Drugs always have some undesirable side effects
  • Over-the-counter self-help aids include: Chin straps, sleep pillows, nasal sprays, and strips These options may provide some relief but they do not directly address the problem which is airway obstruction.
  • Snoring dental mouthpieces: Provide snoring improvement by reducing airway obstruction. An adjustment period is required by some users.

How the Anti-Snoring Dental Mouthpiece Works?

The snoring dental appliance treats snoring by moving the lower jaw and tongue forward or by holding the tongue forward. This forward movement of the tongue and jaw opens the airway in the back of the throat which stops your snoring.

Stop Snoring Dental Device Types

Mandibular advancement device — MAD

These dental devices resemble the common sports mouthguard. They connect both the upper and lower jaws and hold the lower jaw forward while sleeping. These devices can be made in a “boil and bite” version or custom fabricated in a dental laboratory.

Tongue stabilizing device — TSD

This device gently suctions the tongue forward to open the airway during sleep.

Where to get a Stop Snoring Dental Appliance?

These appliances can be purchased from a dentist who will oversee the fitting processor can be purchased from Internet mouthguard stores. Usually, dentist-fitted snoring appliances are quite successful.

If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, you should consult a medical specialist before using any stop snoring dental mouthpiece.

However, due to the time and cost requirements, many people seek self-help options. If the mouthpiece is carefully chosen and directions are properly followed, self-fitted snoring mouthguards can be fabricated to solve the snoring problem.

How to choose the “self-fitted” stop snoring dental appliance?

1. Choose the ‘boil and bite” snoring mouthpiece if:

a. You have at least four healthy secure teeth in each jaw.

b. You want an economical short-term solution for snoring (six months or longer).

c. You would like to try a dental mouthpiece to treat your snoring before considering other medical and dental options

2. Choose the tongue stabilizing device if:

a. You wear full dentures or have fewer than four teeth in each jaw

b. A problem with jaw joint pain and having natural teeth

3. Choose the laboratory custom-fit snoring mouthpiece if:

a. You would like a long-term (usually several years) solution to your snoring.

b. You want a more comfortable, secure, and durable mouthpiece

Following this simple choice option will give you the best chance for success with your Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece.

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Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With the simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…