Monday, February 27, 2023

How Can Mouth Exercises Help Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea occur due to floppy airway muscles, poor tongue positioning (“tongue posture”), and breathing through the mouth during sleep. Mouth and throat exercises can tone up the airway and tongue muscles while promoting breathing through the nose.

Like how going to the gym regularly can tone up your arms, regular mouth and throat exercises will add strength to your mouth and airway muscles. Muscles that are more taut are less likely to be floppy and flutter.

Technically, these exercises are called “myofunctional therapy” or “oropharyngeal exercises”. The oropharynx is the area at the back of your mouth that includes the back of the tongue, sides of the throat, tonsils, adenoids, and soft palate (the soft muscular part at the back of the roof of the mouth).

Researchers have found that doing repetitive oropharyngeal exercises while you’re awake can help keep the tissue from becoming excessively floppy and vibrating during sleep. Several studies have shown that toning these muscles has been shown to help reduce snoring and milder forms of obstructive sleep apnea.

Who Can Benefit From Mouth and Throat Exercises for Snoring?

The benefits of these mouth and throat exercises (“myofunctional therapy”) have been widely studied in people who snore or have mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. People with obstructive sleep apnea have the most benefit from myofunctional therapy when used in conjunction with a CPAP machine or after surgery.

It is important to note that even for mild snoring, mouth, and throat exercises are not always effective. Individual factors, like the size and shape of a person’s mouth, tongue, and throat, may affect how well these exercises work.

Oropharyngeal exercises may be less effective if a person’s snoring is related to alcohol or the use of sedatives that cause relaxation of the muscles in the back of the throat.

How Often Do You Need To Do Mouth Exercises for Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

Based on the existing research, the best bet is to do mouth exercises for at least 10 minutes per day for three months in order to notice a reduction in snoring or OSA. Most people perform the exercises two to three times per day.

Most research studies demonstrate benefits after 3 months of mouth and throat exercises.  Another study showed that performing myofunctional exercises as part of a smartphone game for at least 15 minutes per day was effective in improving snoring.

As with any workout, it takes time to build muscle, so you shouldn’t expect anti-snoring exercises to work overnight. The good thing about these exercises is that you don’t need any special gym equipment–you can do them almost anywhere.

Are There Side Effects to Mouth and Throat Exercises?

Some people may find myofunctional therapy to be tedious or silly, but there are virtually no physical downsides.

Health risks could arise if people use mouth exercises instead of other prescribed treatments for their snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It is recommended to talk with a doctor before starting or stopping any type of therapy for snoring or sleep apnea.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Why Snoring Surgery May Not Be the Best Option?

While certain types of surgery may indeed reduce or eliminate snoring, it may not always be the best option for a variety of reasons. Any type of surgery carries a certain amount of risk, and for this reason alone it should be used as a last resort.

Before choosing surgery as an option, all other possibilities should have been exhausted. There are many possible reasons why a person may snore, all with different possible solutions. Some causes of snoring are obesity, alcohol, snoring, and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can cause heart problems for the individual.

A good reason to consider whether or not surgery is necessary is the fact that it is never 100% successful. Is it worth the risk for something which may or may not work? Of course, you should discuss success rates for your particular situation with your doctor, but keep in mind that surgery is never a guarantee.

Obviously, some situations require surgery. For instance, if your snoring is being caused by a foreign obstruction such as a tumor surgery is most certainly the answer. 

Some snoring is also caused by an excess of tissue which can be removed via a surgical procedure. However, these cases are not that common and snoring is usually caused by lifestyle rather than anatomy.

Most doctors will discourage surgery as a cure for snoring until you have determined what the cause is. For instance, if your snoring is caused by alcohol, no surgery is going to change the fact that your throat muscles relax when you've had a few drinks before bedtime. The solution is simple: stop drinking.

Changing your lifestyle may be the simplest answer when it comes to how to stop snoring. It is important that you look at your personal habits and how you eat and exercise. Before you think surgery is the answer, try making some changes in your day-to-day life and you may find your snoring disappears.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Secret Weapon to Stopping Snoring for Good!

Some people who snore may like to wear stop-snoring aids that are unobtrusive. This is particularly true for couples with a snoring partner because they share a bedroom. Probably they do not want to ruin their relationship by wearing gadgets covering their face. Not doing anything in stopping snoring will only affect their relationship.

Just as there are many types of snoring, the same also with stop snoring aids. The key to finding the right snoring solution is to know one's type of snoring first. Besides that, one also should seek the advice of a medical doctor before trying out the stop-snoring solutions.

A study on the various types of snoring listed it as pharyngeal, organic or pathologic, functional, nasal, laryngeal, obesity, pseudo, physiologic, neurotic, electic, and iatrogenic. Nasal snoring can be further categorized as "small or collapsing nostrils" and "nasal stuffiness". 

Breathing successfully through the nose is prevented by the first category. As a result, the person who snores breathes through the mouth and this led to the back of the throat being hit by air and the snoring noise being produced.

There are many anti-snoring devices to remedy the problem such as using an anti-snore nose clip to help breathe easily through the nose. If they find that one of their snoring causes a blocked nose, then this can also be a snoring solution. It is called Snorepin which is worn on the nose.

Snorepin, manufactured in Germany, is one of the best anti-snore nose clips from Germany so far. It features an advanced anatomic and conical shape that feels very comfortable in the nose and looks unobtrusive. 

Better breathing during sleep is the benefit of using it. The main benefit of wearing it is to allow better airflow in the nasal passage.  Snorepin is worn on your nostrils and keeps them open.  Couples will definitely like this stop-snoring aid. 

Besides that, Snorepin's design is such that the nose hair can go through the little slits in it to filter the air naturally, catch airborne particles and prevent the particles from reaching your lungs.  Not only it is good for stopping snoring, but it is also good for protecting your lungs.

Another good thing about this stop-snoring aid is that it minimizes dryness in the mouth. A dry mouth will increase the risk of developing gum disease, tooth decay, and infections of the mouth such as thrush.

The Snorepins are dishwasher safe and can be used for years.  Cleaning is easy with water and soap or just put them in the dishwasher.   It is suitable for travelers because the stop-snoring aid's dimensions are only 11.5mm x 7mm x 16mm.  It will not add extra weight to the traveler's luggage because it only weighs less than 1.8 ounces.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple 3-minute throat exercises permanently eliminate snoring as soon as tonight.

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Snoring - Ear Plugs and Other Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Snoring, ear plugs, sleeping in a different room... why should I have to take measures when my spouse is the one that snores? You probably want to work on the snoring problem together as a couple, but if your spouse isn't cooperating yet, there are some things you can do to sleep in your own bed and to sleep well.

While sharing a room and bed with a snorer may barely be bothersome, for others it's pure torture! The good thing is that you can take measures for yourself to deal with your partner's snoring that doesn't require you to get a new address or move down the hall. 

You could set up a couple of routines that'll help YOU sleep through the night soundly even though three feet over someone's sawing a whole winter's supply of logs.

1. Snoring - Earplugs: 

Earplugs filter out the snoring sound that would otherwise keep you up all night. This is a measure you could also take when having to deal with inconsiderate noisy neighbors. Drown out the noise and sleep well.

2. Snoring - Get tired: 

When you are active during the day and do things that will physically wear you out, you'll fall asleep as soon as you hit the pillow. Do some exercising and stay away from naps, tempting as they may be. When you are tired you will sleep deeper and be less likely to be bothered by noises surrounding you. Much easier to deal with a snoring problem when you are unconscious.

3. Snoring - Find a Solution: 

There are so many different solutions for different snoring causes. Encourage the snorer to also work on solving the aggravating problem. You're bothered by the snoring; earplugs are evidence of that. This should inspire them to want to do something about it. If the readily available solutions don't do the trick, convince your partner to see a doctor to see if the snoring isn't caused by a more serious breathing or health problem.

4. Snoring - Go to bed earlier than the snorer: 

Set your bedtime before the snorer. For most partners of snorers, the most difficult part is falling asleep with the constant noise, seeing that you are well asleep when the "sawing" starts. It's less likely you'll wake up from it.

While we are aware that dealing with a snorer next to you isn't an easy feat at all, you can make good sleep possible for yourself. Follow the above tips and soon enough you may be able to sleep through the night again.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Friday, February 17, 2023

Sleep Apnea Ranges From Fatigue to Death!

Do you know someone that has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and you did not dare ask what it is exactly? Are you aware that a lot of people are unaware of being affected by this sleep disorder? Could you or someone close to you be suffering from this disorder? Let's find out!

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects both the quality of sleep and also, more importantly, the breathing process. While sleeping, the patient will stop breathing for periods of 10 seconds or longer which will wake him up as he is struggling to breathe. These absences of breathing are called "apneas". Usually, the patient is unaware of these struggling episodes.

Is there more than one kind of sleep apnea?

Did you know that there are two types of sleep apnea? The first is called OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) which is caused by relaxed soft tissue blocking the passage of air during sleep.

The second type of sleep apnea is called CSA (central sleep apnea) which is caused by irregular signals from the brain that affect the breathing process. In some cases, patients suffer from a combination of both types of sleep apnea.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

The symptoms of sleep apnea are: suffering from excessive sleepiness during the day, having headaches in the morning, feeling irritable, being affected by mood changes, suffering from anxiety, being affected by depression, becoming forgetful, snoring loud and gasping for air, having restless sleep, having trouble to concentrate and even falling asleep during the day. Please note that these symptoms vary from one person to the next. Also, be aware that the severity of the symptoms and the combination of symptoms vary from one patient to the next.

A bit of history

Did you know that the first case of sleep apnea that was diagnosed happened only in 1965? This is a bit odd when you consider that so many people are affected by this sleep disorder. At first, only people suffering from certain health conditions such as congestive heart failure were diagnosed with sleep apnea. 

It was also noticed that problems related to sleep apnea happened following surgery, particularly in people that are overweight, obese, or had short necks. It was later proven that while they were noticed in these particular cases, sleep apnea does not only affect people suffering from these conditions or displaying these specific characteristics.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

This type of sleep apnea seems more common in people that have a soft palate or other abnormalities such as the ones related to the jaw, people who are obese or consume alcohol. Did you know that 2% of females and 4% of males diagnosed with mild cases of sleep apnea stop breathing at least ten times per hour?

To evaluate the severity of sleep apnea in a patient, the specialist will evaluate it by using the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). If a patient has less than 5 apneas per hour, it is considered normal. If it is between 5 and 15 it is mild, if it is between 15 and 30 it is moderate and over 30 is considered severe.

Also, the approximate time for each apnea (breathing interruption) is usually about 10 seconds but in more severe cases, it can reach 60 seconds.

In certain cases, sleep apnea can be caused by an external situation such as an accident, family problems, heart problems, and narcolepsy. It was also held responsible either partially or totally for SIDS also known as sudden infant death syndrome.

How can it be diagnosed?

Sleep apnea is evaluated in a sleep laboratory. The patient spends the night in this laboratory and is closely monitored by both a technician with visual instruments as well as various medical resources that will also verify the level of oxygen in the blood, the breathing pattern as well as the activity of the brain.

What are the available treatments?

Well, according to the severity of sleep apnea, a single type of treatment may help while some cases may require a combination of treatments. 

The available treatments are medication, avoiding antidepressants or relaxants, avoiding alcohol, change of diet, quitting smoking, surgery to enlarge the airways, devices to keep the patient from sleeping on his back, special pillows, oral devices, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) which is a machine that uses a tube connected to a mask and sends continuous pressurized air to keep the airways open.

Can sleep apnea be fatal?

Sleep apnea can lead to death as it takes a huge toll on the body and affects other systems which can lead to fatal situations such as a heart attack, congestive heart failure, a stroke or the patient may fall asleep while driving for example, and have a tragic accident.

It is important to know that while people between 65 and 100 years of age or that are overweight are more susceptible to suffering from sleep apnea but it still can affect people that are not overweight, infants, and children as well. 

That is why if you have any doubts concerning a close relative, a friend, or even yourself, seeing a doctor who treated sleep apnea cannot only improve your quality of life but also give you the opportunity to live a long and happy life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea Program Review

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a powerful online program designed to help people get the sleep they need by eliminating all snoring and sleep apnea naturally. Studies show that approximately 57% of adult men and 40% of adult women in the United States are affected by snoring. Even 27% of children snore. 

Unfortunately, many of the conventional options out there are expensive, uncomfortable, and never actually treat the root cause of the snoring. Instead, the “solution” is to put on a hefty breathing machine or an awkward nose or chin strap to mask the symptoms. Sure, this may provide some relief from the snoring but the second you don’t use these devices, snoring begins again. 

So, you’re stuck paying for these things just to get some quiet rest. The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is designed to get to the root cause of your snoring and sleep apnea to eliminate it for good. All you have to do is the gentle exercises based on the type of snorer you are. It’s 100% natural and you only need 3 minutes each day to use it.

What is The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program?

Whether you’re the loud snorer in the house or it’s your partner keeping you up all night with an annoying CPAP machine, we can all agree that some good, deep, quiet rest is needed. 

Sleep plays a crucial role in how you feel and function each day. When you aren’t getting enough of it, your mind and body are unable to rest and restore, leaving you feeling not your best. But conventional methods are expensive, unsafe, or require you to wear some awkward device on your face that keeps you up all night for other reasons. 

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is an online system designed to help you get down to the root cause of the problem to eliminate it once and for all. It’s a fairly straightforward program that offers a variety of natural solutions based on the type of snorer you are. 

It comes with a ton of incredible information that helps you understand what is happening in your body that’s causing your sleep problems. This allows you to determine the type of snorer you are so you can narrow in on the best regime for you.  

Each solution provides you with a list of gentle exercises to complete each night to open up the airways that are causing your snoring to occur. The exercises are based on how you snore, whether it’s from your throat, tongue, nose, or so on. There are also different durations to choose from depending on how much time you have to spend. 

However, you can spend as little as 3 minutes doing the exercises; you can even do them lying in bed before you pass out. I’ll explain the program in more detail in just a moment but as a whole, you get access to 7 anti-snoring sleep regimes and 23 gentle exercises. 

You also don’t have to do all of the exercises that come with this program. Instead, you do the exercises within the solution that addresses your specific problems. For example, if you snore from your jaw, you can skip the tongue exercises, and so on, and so forth. 

Everything is 100% natural and the techniques have also been proven to help people get better sleep. You even get two months to try the system out risk-free with the 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Now, since you’re likely desperate for sleep, you’ll be happy to know that you receive instant access to the program as soon as you purchase. Everything is digital, so you just sign in and download the content onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. This ensures you have sleep solutions with you wherever your night takes you, whether it’s to bed or on vacation.

Learn more about the science behind how The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program works

Who Created The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program?

The creator of The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is Christian Goodman. Christian is the CEO of Blue Heron Health News, a reputable website that helps people heal their health concerns naturally and without the use of medication. Christian has created many successful natural health programs and is a contributing author in many health reports and articles.

Quick Overview of The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises. 

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry – the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.  

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big

List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Click Here To Visit (The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Exercise Program) Official Website

Our Opinion

Advantages of the Program

The best advantage of The Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea Program is that you can finally get rid of that CPAP machine, awkward chin strap, nostril plugs, and prescription medication. You learn how to tackle the root cause of snoring, so you can get the rest you need every night, naturally.

Being able to download the program right onto your tech device is also great. Since you don’t always sleep in the same place, this ensures you have the exercises with you wherever you get some shut-eye.

The 60-Day Money Back Guarantee also allows you to try it risk-free for two months. No complaints about that.

Disadvantages of the Program

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is spot on, leaving very little room for disadvantages. It covers all types of snoring, offers a variety of exercises based on the type of snoring, and different time lengths to spend doing the exercises. However, it would be cool if you could download the program in audio format.


The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of gentle exercises that can remove snoring from your nightly routine. The exercises are designed to tackle all types of snoring right at the source to eliminate them once and for all. They’re simple, safe, and a natural way to get the rest you need. 

It sure beats wearing a CPAP machine or one of those awkward chin straps. You only need a minimum of 3 minutes a day and you can even try it out for two months with the 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.


Does the program require any special device like CPAP or supplements?

No, there are no devices or supplements needed.

Is it safe?

The regime focuses on facial exercises and stretches that address the root cause of your sleep apnea or snoring. So, it should most definitely be safe.

How many exercises are there in the program?

There are up to 24 exercises in total, and 7 sleep routines to choose from. You don’t have to do all exercises, as the program helps you identify the root cause of your sleep apnea or snoring. Then, you can focus solely on the ones associated with the exact cause.

Can people over the age of 55 use the program?

Yes, anyone can use it at any age as it is all about doing natural exercises.

Does the program come in a physical format like a book?

The program is digital, so it comes in a PDF eBook and with audio files in case you want to listen instead of reading. You can also print the book off at home or opt for a printed copy when you make your purchase.

What if I have a question or issue regarding the program?

The author’s contact information is available on their official website. Shoot them an email if you have any questions or concerns. You can also leave a comment and we will try our best to help you.

Are there any other programs the author has created?

The creator of this program also created The Blood Pressure Program, The TMJ Solution, The Brain Booster, The Erectile Mastery Program, and The Vertigo and Dizziness Program – all are as popular as this one.

Click Here To Visit (The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Exercise Program) Official Website

Sunday, February 12, 2023

5 Genius Hacks to Stop Snoring at Night

Here are some great stop-snoring tips for you, since snoring isn't only very annoying, it also disrupts your life and that of those who love and live with you; it can actually affect your family's health in serious ways. Good deep sleep is very important for one's health, to rest, and to regenerate energy. 

So if snoring is keeping you or your spouse from sleeping through the night, it's about time you did something about it.

1. Skip The Alcohol And The Late-Night Eating

Alcohol is a muscle relaxant. The tongue is a muscle. Therefore, with alcohol, it falls further back in the throat,” so snoring is much louder and more obtrusive after those few nightcaps. Eating before bed also adds to the issue, because often right after a meal, mucus builds up in the back of the throat and creates more obstructions while breathing through your mouth.

2. Train Yourself To Sleep On Your Side

Snoring is always worse when you sleep on your back. It’s because gravity is pushing your tongue backward. Pillows that get you off your back can help tremendously. 

If you really have trouble sleeping on your side, this side sleeper pillow might just help. It cradles your body, neck, and head with a shape-contouring foam, and it’s especially convenient because of a removable washable cover and a built-in ear pocket.

3. Never Sleep In A Dry Room

Keeping the throat moist will not only be more comfortable but will also reduce snoring a little. Humidifiers help the dry mouth issue, which can be somewhat effective. 

4. Keep The Pets Downstairs

I know it completely breaks your heart but sending the pets downstairs before bedtime could be a huge help when it comes to reducing your snoring. Sleeping with cats and dogs on the bed if you have allergies can definitely be an issue, as the closing of the throat and the build-up of mucus makes it harder for your tongue to lay flat, out of the way, and separate from the throat.

5. Know It’s All About The Tongue

People tend to blame the nose when it comes to snoring — a deviated septum, clogged nasal passages, or broken bones. Our tongue is a muscle, and as it relaxes, it falls back into the throat, partially blocking it. 

The same effect is created when you put your thumb over the end of a hose, partially blocking it. The pressure, force, and speed of the water increases dramatically.” Until you target the tongue, you won't get anywhere on your journey to quiet nights.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Is Your Snoring Really a Sign of Sleep Apnea?

There are two different types of sleep apnea.

The most common is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is caused by the soft tissues in the throat collapsing inwards as the muscles relax during sleep, blocking the airway. When this occurs, sufferers can stop breathing for several seconds until the body prompts them to restart. When breathing starts again, it's usually accompanied by a loud gasp or snort.

Central sleep apnea is quite different as the airway isn't blocked. It is due instead to the brain failing to tell the muscles to breathe and is caused by instability in the respiratory system.

Who Is More Likely to Develop it?

It can affect anyone; it can even develop in children. However, there are a number of risk factors for developing this condition. These include being male, overweight, and over the age of 40.

Men with a neck size in excess of 17 inches and women with a neck size in excess of 16 inches are at greater risk of developing sleep apnea.

If you have a small jawbone, large tonsils, or a large tongue, you may be more likely to see this develop.

Medical conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux, allergies or sinus problems, or a family history of sleep apnea can all mean you are more likely to develop this condition.

Should I Be Worried About Developing Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is definitely a condition you should be worried about developing. Without the proper treatment, it can result in a number of different health problems. These include diabetes, depression, heart problems including heart attacks, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as headaches.

People with ADHD who also have sleep apnea may notice this condition worsening.

Additionally, sleep apnea can make it unsafe to drive or operate machinery and can negatively impact everyday activities such as school or work. Children with sleep apnea may underachieve academically.

How Can I Tell If I Have Sleep Apnea?

If you don't have a sleeping partner to tell you that breathing is interrupted during sleep, it can be difficult to tell.

Nevertheless, there are symptoms to be aware of and which include:

  • Snoring loudly, as sometimes it is possible to wake yourself up with your own snoring
  • Waking up with a very dry or very sore throat
  • Noticing you sometimes wake up with a feeling that you are choking or gasping
  • Feeling excessively sleepy or lacking energy during the daytime
  • Being aware that you sleep restlessly
  • Feeling sleepy when you drive
  • Noticing you're awake more frequently during the night or that you have insomnia
  • Your mood may change; you could become less interested in sex or more forgetful

What to Do?

If you think there is a possibility you have sleep apnea, it's worth booking to see us at a Cosmetic Dentistry Center. A specialist dentist can examine you and they will ask you about your symptoms.

They will also take a look inside your mouth. If your tonsils are a bit on the larger side, they may need to refer you to an ear nose, and throat surgeon. Another possible course of action is to order a sleep study, where you will attend a sleep center so your sleep can be monitored overnight.

Alternatively, you might be able to use portable equipment for home testing. Once you have some more information, a specialist can talk to you about the ways this condition can be treated.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Sometimes it might be a matter of changing your sleeping position or maybe even changing your pillow. Making small lifestyle changes can also be very useful. For example, if you are overweight, getting your weight down so it is within the normal BMI range could be enough to treat mild cases of sleep apnea.

It can be helpful to avoid alcohol or sleeping pills, and if you smoke then this is a good excuse for quitting. This is because smoking can increase swelling in your airway, increasing the likelihood that you will snore even if you don't have sleep apnea. People with this condition often sleep on their backs, so, avoiding this position could be helpful.

Using a Custom-Made Dental Appliance to Treat Sleep Apnea

Something else you can look at is getting a custom-made dental appliance. This will be designed by a specialist dentist to comfortably pull your lower jaw slightly forward, gently holding it in this position while you sleep. This could be enough to keep your airway open during sleep.

If you have moderate to serious sleep apnea you may need what's called a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. This consists of a small mask worn over your nose or mouth while you sleep. It will pump a continuous flow of air into your airway, helping to keep your breathing regular.

It is possible to have surgery for this condition and this may be useful if you have a small lower jaw. It may be used to remove excess soft tissue right at the back of the throat and the palate which will increase the width of the airway. If this is the case, a specialist dentist can provide you with a referral to a respected local oral surgeon.

It is well worth seeking treatment, as it's easy to forget exactly how a good night's rest should make you feel. Being able to have a night without any interruptions will enable you to benefit from REM, which is deep restorative sleep that is so necessary for the body to function properly.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Sunday, February 5, 2023

How to Choose the Right Stop Snoring Mouthpiece?

Snoring is becoming a more frequent problem because we are more overweight and live longer. The recently developed Anti Snoring Dental Mouthpieces are becoming the first option for the treatment of simple snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. 

There are hundreds of snoring devices on the market but now making this confusing choice can be easy. These dental devices are becoming more popular because they are economical, effective, and easy to use.

Snoring Treatment Options and Outcomes

  • Pharmaceutical, medical, and surgical options: Surgical risks are present and outcome success is marginal. Drugs always have some undesirable side effects
  • Over-the-counter self-help aids include: Chin straps, sleep pillows, nasal sprays, and strips These options may provide some relief but they do not directly address the problem which is airway obstruction.
  • Snoring dental mouthpieces: Provide snoring improvement by reducing airway obstruction. An adjustment period is required by some users.

How the Anti-Snoring Dental Mouthpiece Works?

  • The snoring dental appliance treats snoring by moving the lower jaw and tongue forward or by holding the tongue forward. This forward movement of the tongue and jaw opens the airway in the back of the throat which stops your snoring.

Stop Snoring Dental Device Types

Mandibular advancement device - MAD

  • These dental devices resemble the common sports mouth guard. They connect both the upper and lower jaws and hold the lower jaw forward while sleeping.
  • These devices can be made in a "boil and bite" version or custom fabricated in a dental laboratory.

Tongue stabilizing device - TSD

  • This device gently suctions the tongue forward to open the airway during sleep.

Where to get a Stop Snoring Dental Appliance

  • These appliances can be purchased from a dentist who will oversee the fitting process or can be purchased from Internet mouthguard stores. Usually, dentist-fitted snoring appliances are quite successful.
  • If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, you should consult a medical specialist before using any stop-snoring dental mouthpiece.
  • However, due to the time and cost requirements, many people seek self-help options. If the mouthpiece is carefully chosen and directions are properly followed, self-fitted snoring mouthguards can be fabricated to solve the snoring problem.

How to choose the "self-fitted" stop-snoring dental appliance?

1. Choose the 'boil and bite" snoring mouthpiece if:

  • You have at least four healthy secure teeth in each jaw.
  • You want an economical short-term solution for snoring (six months or longer).
  • You would like to try a dental mouthpiece to treat your snoring before considering other medical and dental options

2. Choose the tongue stabilizing device if:

  • You wear full dentures or have fewer than four teeth in each jaw
  • A problem jaw joint pain and having natural teeth

3. Choose the laboratory custom-fit snoring mouthpiece if:

  • You would like a long-term (usually several years) solution to your snoring.
  • You want a more comfortable, secure, and durable mouthpiece

Following this simple choice option will give you the best chance for success with your Anti Snoring Mouthpiece.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.