Friday, September 16, 2022

The Risks of Snoring During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant and have been snoring lately? You could already be suffering from sleep apnea.

Pregnancy takes a woman scores of emotional and physical changes, which are primarily caused by hormonal changes — with estrogen being the dominant hormone during pregnancy.

An increase in estrogen reportedly makes the neck muscles relax and is compounded with the accumulated fats around the neck area causing snoring. Snoring during pregnancy usually occurs in the last four weeks of gestation (this accounts for 30% of pregnant women).

This is normal and a preferred sleeping position like sleeping on the sides usually alters this. Most pregnant women feel more relaxed when sleeping on their sides to avoid the weight of their bellies, especially during the third trimester.

Excessive or chronic snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized by a pause in breathing for about 10 seconds resulting in oxygen deprivation and further complicating preeclampsia. 

Preeclampsia is a condition that only happens during pregnancy and is associated with high blood pressure, proteinuria (a protein present in urine), and swelling.

Patients with preeclampsia may have any or all of the following symptoms: sleepiness during the daytime, headaches, blurred vision, abnormalities in liver function, and vomiting. If only one of these symptoms occurs, it is not a sign of preeclampsia.

Consequently, a study found that snoring during pregnancy is more common in women who have put on more of the ideal weight. 14% of the women who snored had pregnancy-induced hypertension. 52% of the pregnant women who habitually snored experienced edema (swelling) of the face, hands, legs, and feet compared to 30% who didn’t snore.

Meanwhile, oxygen deprivation in patients with sleep apnea has been correlated with growth retardation of the fetus and sometimes, death. 

If excessive snoring during pregnancy occurs, a physician’s advice needs to be sought because the condition could be devastating to the mother and unborn child.

Infants born to mothers who were snoring during pregnancy frequently had lower birth weight and Apgar scores (a test taken immediately after a baby is born regarding heart rate, breathing, reflex, muscle tone, and skin color). 

From this study, although the causes of preeclampsia are unknown, there seems to be a correlation between snoring, preeclampsia, and babies with lower birth weights.

An expectant woman’s condition is crucial to the development of the unborn child in the same manner that a pregnant woman also needs to take care of her well-being. 

Snoring during pregnancy is a sign of or could lead to poor physical health which could be harmful to the mother and baby. It is important that a pregnant woman undergoes regular prenatal checkups and reports any physical complaints to a physician.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can