Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Sleep Apnea Health Problems Can Be Serious

Efforts to discover what causes sleep apnea have been intense, and although the actual cause may not have been identified, researchers have discovered that sleep apnea health problems can be serious.

There are several major risk factors for heart disease such as obesity, alcohol abuse, and smoking, but you might be surprised to find out that sleep apnea is also a major risk factor. Combine any of these factors, and the risk doubles for serious sleep apnea health problems. For example, if you are obese and you suffer from sleep apnea, then your risk of heart problems increases.

If your sleep apnea is treated with a sleep apnea device such as CPAP, you reduce or even eliminate your risks. 

However, if you do not seek treatment when your breathing stops during an apnea attack, the levels of carbon dioxide in your blood increase while the levels of oxygen drop off. This effect causes a variety of chemical and physical events to occur that can increase your risk for heart problems.

Sleep apnea health problems increase the longer the apnea remains untreated. Sleep apnea will decrease the levels of gas nitric oxide in the blood, which is an important substance for heart health. The reduced levels raise the risk of heart problems.

Apnea also increases the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which plays a role in congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. High levels of this enzyme exacerbate your sleep apnea health problems. Other chemical changes involved also increase your risk for heart problems.

There is still much research needed to define just how all of these changes affect the heart and just how serious the impact is on the health of your heart. With treatments available, why take the risk? Why not use a sleep apnea device like CPAP?

Studies have made direct correlations with the following sleep apnea health problems. If you suffer from sleep apnea, consider these risks if you choose to ignore using one of the sleep apnea device treatments.

High Blood Pressure - Several studies have correlated sleep apnea with high blood pressure. A study conducted in 2004 for sleep apnea health problems found that the more apnea episodes you had in the first year, the more likely you were to have high blood pressure by the time year four came around.

Blood pressure will have wide fluctuations in response to the apnea episode. These fluctuations might be a result of the sympathetic nervous system's sudden surge. It's these fluctuations, which lead to the blood vessels constricting, and over time, this leads to high blood pressure and the possibility of heart damage.

Effective treatments like the CPAP sleep apnea device allow your airways to remain open, which means your blood pressure will be lowered. Only partial reduction of sleep apnea does not have a positive effect. It must be a substantial reduction.

Of the many sleep apnea health problems, coronary artery disease, and heart attack are the two most serious. Studies have confirmed that the more apnea episodes you have the higher your risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease. This is especially true in older adults. Do you still want to ignore treatment such as CPAP?

If you have sleep apnea, you double your risk for stroke. The worse the episodes, the greater the risk you face. Severe sleep apnea can triple your risk of stroke. 

And stroke sufferers with sleep apnea have symptoms that are worse, such as poor speech response, depression, delirium, and difficulty with daily activities. Another good reason to use a sleep apnea device is to reduce your risk of developing sleep apnea health problems.

37% of all heart failure patients had sleep apnea, and if you have existing congestive heart failure with sleep apnea, your risk of death goes up.

Other sleep apnea health problems that have been directly linked to sleep apnea

  • Peripheral nerve damage
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney failure
  • Eye disorders
  • Liver damage
  • Seizures
  • Nerve disorders
  • High-risk pregnancies
  • Headaches
  • Irregular menstrual periods

Now that you know just a few of the sleep apnea health problems are you ready to seek treatment?

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sleep Position - Does It Affect How Well You Sleep?

On an average night, most sleepers change position twenty to forty times and remain in a particular position for an average of fifteen minutes. In addition, we all have a repertoire of positions and those that we seem to like best and we usually use them night after night. 

Poor sleepers generally turn or change position much more frequently during the night than do good sleepers, though all sleepers must adjust their body position throughout the night.

The most common position for us to sleep in is on the right side, with the knees and hips slightly bent, and the second most common is the same position on the left side. Lying flat on your back with arms crossed in front of you is the next most common position, though it has been noted that sleeping on your back throughout the night is generally associated with poorer sleep than sleeping on your side. 

Sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to one side or another is the least common sleeping position.

Many people find it difficult to change the positions in which they sleep, for example, many wives know that their husbands tend to snore when sleeping on their backs and spend much of their night repeatedly jabbing and elbowing the sleeping husband into the appropriate position. 

Special pillows such as those designed for neck pain often reduce snoring, but success has also been achieved in changing people's favorite sleeping positions by simply trying to effect the change over ten days or two weeks rather than over a single night. It works like this. 

Suppose you normally sleep on your back, but you're aware that your snoring in this position disturbs your bed pattern. Simply begin elevating one corner of your pillow with a folded towel, for example, and sleeping on your back for a few nights with your pillow at this slight angle.

Several nights later, increase the angle, so the pillow is now much higher on one side than the other. Your natural tendency will be to turn toward the side rather than remaining flat on your back. 

Simply repeat this process, gradually increasing the amount your raise the edge of the pillow, and in ten days or so you will be sleeping on your side naturally and your body will have easily adapted to the change. You must, of course, maintain the shape of the pillow to keep your head from falling back to its former position.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Latest Research on Snoring and Divorce Connection

Oh, the awfully dreadful annoyance of trying to sleep with a snoring spouse. There cannot be anything worse than to dealing with a nightly habitual snorer, and for a good number of marriages, the spare bedroom eventually becomes the only option apart from being continuously tortured while trying to sleep or the last option of divorce.

For some individuals reading this article might think that divorce is all too extreme when it comes to the problem of snoring. 

But after several decades of research directly dealing with nightly snoring and marriages, there is no proof that snoring has been known to be a hidden contributing factor in more divorces than what could have originally ever been imagined.

Habitual nightly snoring within a marriage has many problematic ramifications that seriously can and will damage a marriage. For example, the constant irritability that arises daily between the one that is trying to sleep with the ongoing snoring and their loved one that just may not completely comprehend just how terribly bad their snoring truly is.

Since the snoring individual just does not actually know how loud and obnoxious the snoring tends to get, there is often the feeling of exaggeration on the part of their spouse. 

There may also often be feelings of being picked on or nagged, but what the snoring spouse just does not realize is that the habitual nightly snoring is causing severe sleep deprivation to the non-snoring spouse, and eventually there will also be heightened risks of other ill-related health factors too directly due to trying to sleep with a person that snores.

For those that have a spouse already out of the shared bedroom, and has moved into the spare bedroom this is another marriage strain. The marriage will eventually feel the ramifications of this change due to the physical and emotional distance that is felt with the couple no longer having the chance at night to share in the uninterrupted closeness that comes from a shared bedroom. 

One of the most effective ways to resolve the question of the snoring spouse and how bad their snoring actually is can easily be done by recording their snoring noise at night, and playing it back for them the next day.

It is from that point of honesty having to admit that they do snore disturbingly loud that they will more often than not personally agree to find a resolution to their snoring problem. For some snoring-filled marriages, this is half the battle when on the mission to make it a snore-free zone in your home.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How to Get Comfortable Sleep During Apnea Therapy?

Apnea patients experience a lot of discomfort from wearing a mask while using traditional pillows as they undergo CPAP therapy. Even as they try their best to go to sleep, they could be repeatedly disturbed when their mask is leaking, when they feel pain due to the pressure on their face, or when they can no longer bear the discomfort. 

Also, they could have neck or back pains because of tensed muscles due to an uncomfortable sleeping position while having therapy. This article talks about apnea and how to solve apnea patients' comfort issues with the use of a CPAP pillow.

What is Apnea?

People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) experience a health condition that causes the absence or cessation of breathing especially during sleep. This happens repeatedly as the patient sleeps because the "airway" or soft tissue in the throat collapses and keeps the air from flowing to the lungs. It is typically marked by choking, coughing, gasping, heavy snoring through the night, and extreme tiredness during the day. It is also accompanied by poor alertness and focus during the day.

In the United States, five to ten percent of the population experience OSA. That is roughly 20 million and there are people who are yet to be diagnosed. Generally, people do not really know that they have this condition.

What are the Causes of Apnea?

Apnea may be due to a large tongue, extra fleshy tissue in the airway, or decreased muscle tone in the area which holds the airway open. As a result, the air cannot get into the lungs. These breathing cessations can occur 30 or more times per hour during sleep. Needless to say, it robs the brain and body of oxygen that is essential in maintaining energy, mental alertness, and sharpness during the day. When this condition is left untreated, it will lead to a variety of serious health problems.

Therapy: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

On the brighter side, apnea can be diagnosed easily and can be treated effectively and safely. Sleep apnea patients are recommended to take a therapy referred to as Constant or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). To prevent them from having complications, they need to use a machine that assists them to breathe properly. 

With this machine, patients are supplied with a constant and steady air pressure out of the hose to the nasal pillow, nose, or full-face mask. Those who were diagnosed and undergo therapy experience better nights and livelier days. Other benefits of this therapy include lower blood pressure, decreased risk of heart attack and stroke, increased effectiveness and productivity at work and at home, and a better quality of life.

Ways to Have a Comfortable Sleep

There are ways through which apnea patients can sleep more comfortably. These are a combination of devices, therapy, and the right mindset. Each patient might require a different method.

Choose the Proper Mask

Since a sleep apnea patient needs to wear a device as he sleeps, sleeping could be very uncomfortable. He can have a difficult time sleeping because of a dry nose or mouth and a leaky mask. But there are ways to solve these problems. One is to choose a mask that best fits the patient so that he can move as he sleeps without much difficulty.

Get Used to It

Also, an apnea patient should gradually accustom himself or herself to using CPAP devices. He may start using them for a couple of hours during the day before using them all throughout the night. This will help him to have a good adjustment period until he can sleep with the devices with more ease and comfort.

Use a Specialty Medical Pillow

Another very good solution is to use specialty medical pillows. There are two types of pillows intended for CPAP therapy: CPAP pillows and memory foam pillows.

A CPAP pillow is created with these six important features:

  1. Neck support for side and back sleeping.
  2. A curve where the shoulder rests for neck support and proper position.
  3. Pressure-free mask zone.
  4. Head support area.
  5. Ear comfort depression.
  6. Inclined forehead support keeps the face from rotating downward.

A CPAP pillow helps apnea patients to sleep with ease and comfort. It also enables them to comply with the requirement to use the machine. It supports the neck and aligns the spine and the airway as well. In addition, it reduces mask leaks, and pressure on the face that can cause red marks and discomfort. It can significantly help an apnea patient to sleep better as he undergoes therapy.

On the other hand, a memory foam pillow helps users who sleep on their stomach or side. Its support base is made of high-density material topped with memory foam on the sleep side. This material effectively supports the contours of the neck so that the user's head is held in a stable position. 

The pillow configuration is specially designed to provide support while at the same time allowing space on both sides for the mask. Like the CPAP pillow, it reduces leaks, pressure on the face, and airway resistance due to better neck support, and hose tension.

Use a Nasal Pillow

Another way to have a more comfortable sleep is to use a CPAP nasal pillow. It is designed to stay attached only to the nostrils. This allows users to freely move around as they sleep unlike when they use a full-face mask that hinders them from comfortably changing positions. Also, the use of CPAP nasal pillows enables users to do their activities like watching television shows and reading books. 

This helps them feel normal and capable of doing the things they love. With a nasal pillow, an apnea patient will have less obstruction in his vision. Furthermore, it allows users to talk to other people with a clear voice since it is only placed in the nostrils. And since it is not cumbersome unlike a full-face mask, a nasal pillow is best for claustrophobic patients.

Where to Purchase Sleep Apnea Products and Devices

Sleep apnea products and devices like CPAP machines, nasal pillows, nose, and full-face masks can be bought online through Philips Respironics which is a leading provider of modern sleep solutions, respiratory therapy, and drug delivery. It offers sleep therapy devices, which help to improve compliance and comfort for apnea patients, like modems that help in accessing patient compliance data. 

They also offer a complete line and various styles of full-face, minimal-contact, nasal, and pediatric masks. In addition, they have diagnostic sleep systems and quality sensors that help in handling basic to advanced diagnostic studies.

CPAP pillow products can be purchased online through Contour Living which is a worldwide distributor of products that offer better rest to the body during sleep and helps the body to be on the go during the day. Contour Products include CPAP pillows, bed pillows, leg pillows, neck pillows, body pillows, and others. 

Their most recent pillow is Contour CPAPMAX. This has a dual-sided design that features memory foam on one side and fiber on the other. Both materials are stabilized by a center layer of high-resiliency foam that provides form and support, giving relief from comfort problems. 

This also has a unique perforation process that allows ventilation in the pillow. It also has a 3-D mesh cover that is intended to keep the user's head above the ventilated foam, allowing air circulation and dispersion of humidity and moisture. This is an innovative solution to the problem of heat build-up, helping the user sleep comfortably.

Contour CPAPMAX may just be the best pillow for CPAP so far. It offers significant design enhancement for a better therapy experience. It includes a removable ¾" foam layer so that a user can adjust the pillow thickness. It also has a pressure-free zone that accommodates a mask and a hose tether that reduces hose drop.

In choosing the best products, it is important to consider what best fits a user and what will give him the most comfort as he undergoes therapy. Using the most appropriate product will give a user a great therapy experience.

Restful Nights and Brighter Days

It can be very stressful to experience discomfort when having CPAP therapy. Just imagine a patient who struggles with resting and sleeping due to uneasiness. Because of using the wrong pillow, patients may get tired of having therapy and get rid of the masks to get some sleep, compromising their need for steady and consistent air during sleep. Remember that by not taking therapy, patients may suffer from complications. As always, prevention is better than cure.

It's a good thing that apnea patients can say goodbye to sleepless nights with the help of a CPAP pillow. Using a sleep apnea pillow can help them avoid common problems in undergoing therapy. 

Ultimately, like other normal people, they can enjoy restful nights and brighter days. They can keep up with others at work and do their house chores with energy and vigor. With proper cooperation with their doctors, they can undoubtedly live a better quality of life despite their condition. A CPAP pillow could be their hero, saving them from restless nights and bad days and helping them live a life full of energy.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Simple 3-minute throat exercises permanently eliminate snoring as soon as tonight.

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Do Men Snore More?

Though the battle of the sexes continues over years, nobody wants to be the first to claim when it comes to snoring. But the fact remains that it is not just restricted to men as women snore too. 

However, though the percentage of men snoring is higher, as compared to women why does anyone snore? The most baffling aspect is that people breathe 24/7 but snore only at night when asleep. Why don't you snore when you are awake?

The major reason why men snore more than women is due to the higher intake of alcohol and addiction to smoking. When you consider these aspects, it is important to remember that snoring happens when there is loose tissue and muscles but during the day the muscles are toned which ensures that there are no blockages while breathing when you sleep, the muscles relax and lose tone. 

That causes the loose tissue in the throat to block the nasal passages which lead you to snore as the air vibrates the tissues as it goes in and out.

In addition, men smoke more than women and the smoke that you inhale is full of harsh chemicals which in turn cause the inner membrane of the trachea and breathing passages to inflame which narrows the airways. This in turn aids snoring. As men smoke more than women do, men tend to snore more.

Another factor that contributes to snoring is the tongue falling back into the throat. This leads to a blockage in the throat and compresses the nasal passages leading to snoring. If you snore mildly to moderately then it is best to find a snoring cure for your problem. 

Another factor is that the breathing passages of men are smaller than that of women and that is why any blockage leads to a quick collapse of muscles and you tend to start snoring. A smaller airway means a narrow path to inhale and exhale which in turn vibrates the soft throat tissue and causes you to snore.

The position of the tongue is another factor that leads to snoring. If it is in the wrong position, breathing is impaired, and snoring starts. Men with a smaller jaw are more at risk of snoring than those with a broad jaw. 

When the tongue is cramped, it falls back without the toned muscles supporting it when asleep. While the woman jaw line is recessed and the tongue is better positioned which in turn reduces the risk of snoring.

But if you thought women don't snore much, many do because the physiologically human body is the same but it is minor differences that lead a person to snore. Other causes that lead to snoring include obesity, nasal bone deformities, excess consumption of dairy products, and respiratory diseases. All of these can affect both men and women equally and lead to snoring.

And of course, the hormonal imbalance is another reason why women snore, and becomes more pronounced during pregnancy. The rise of estrogen levels in the body leads to inflammation and that affects the trachea which is often swelled and snoring ensues as a result. 

You can try nasal drops that are tried and tested to stop snoring as it works for men and women equally well.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a straightforward program that teaches you a series of specific exercises that can eliminate your snoring for good. It’s a comprehensive system that comes with a variety of sleep solutions and 24 exercises.

However, the first step is to determine the type of snorer you are and use the corresponding regime. Don’t worry — the program guides you through the process of identifying the source of your snoring, so you can pick the appropriate regime to follow.

The exercises only take 3 minutes a day to complete and the program provides you with easy step-by-step instructions so you know exactly what to do.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole, here’s a more detailed look:

Diagnosing Your Snoring Problem

The first section of the program gives you an abundance of information about all types of snoring and why they happen. This helps you narrow in on the root cause of your snoring. It also covers the various forms of snoring and why they’re happening.

  • Throat Closing Up
  • Tongue Causing Snoring
  • Nasal Problems
  • Jaw Causing Snoring
  • The Soft Palate Being Too Weak or Too Big
  • List of Programs to Choose from

Since the program covers all forms of snoring, it provides you with different treatment plans for you to choose from. You can also choose which regime to follow based on how much time you have. These are the other options available:

  • 3 Minutes a Day
  • 7 Minutes a Day
  • 12 Minutes a Day
  • 18 Minutes a Day
  • 30 Minutes a Day
  • 60 Minutes a Day
  • More than an Hour a Day


You also receive a list of all of the exercises that make up the regimes mentioned above. You can create your own routine if you’d like or use this section to learn all of the techniques to see which ones you like best:

  • 3 Jaw Exercises
  • 5 Throat Exercises
  • 3 Tongue Exercises
  • 5 Body Exercises
  • 2 Breathing Exercises
  • 2 Relaxation Exercises
  • 3 Attitude Exercises
  • 1 Communication Exercise

Sleep Positions

The program also provides you with some proper sleep positions that can further help eliminate your snoring.

  • 2 Sleep Positions

Additional Topics

  • The Philosophy Behind the Program
  • What Causes Snoring
  • How the Exercises Work
  • Secondary Exercises
  • Recommendations For Completing The Seven Programs Included

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Thursday, January 19, 2023

5 Things You MUST Know About Sleep Apnea Surgery

Sleep apnea surgery is one of the most controversial subjects in sleep medicine. There are heated debates within the sleep community as well as in online forums and support groups. Sleep apnea surgery is definitely not for everyone, for some, it can be a life-changing experience.

Here are 5 important issues that you must be aware of before considering any form of sleep apnea surgery:

1. Does sleep apnea surgery work?

Yes, but only when done properly. Just like with CPAP or dental devices, if you don't use it properly or use it at all, it won't work.

One of the most common misconceptions about sleep apnea surgery is the relatively low success rate of the uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) procedure, which is often quoted at 40%. But performing this operation is like bypassing only one blocked heart vessel when you have 3 other vessels that are blocked. 

For some strange reason, ENTs are overly obsessed with the soft palate, since this is where snoring usually comes from and we have the most research and procedures for the soft palate.

We now know that if you address the entire upper airway together (nose, soft palate, tongue), then your success rates are much better, approaching 80%. Why only 80%? There's only so much you can do with the soft tissues within the small space within smaller jaws (which is the main anatomic reason for sleep apnea). The more aggressive you are, the higher the success rate, but the more chance of pain and complications.

If you go to the next level and enlarge your jaws (upper and lower), then success rates can reach 90 to 95%.

To put things into perspective, if you bypassed everything with a tracheotomy (placing a breathing tube below your voice box), then you'll have a 100% "cure", but obviously, this is not a very practical option.

One question you must ask then, is, what's the meaning of success? In surgery, one common definition is that the final AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) on a formal sleep study drops greater than 50% of the original and the final number has to be less than 20. One of the main criticisms of sleep apnea surgery is that even if "successful", you may still have mild sleep apnea. Surgeons will argue that it's better than not using CPAP at all.

2. Not All Surgeries Are The Same

There are probably dozens of procedures for sleep apnea from various nasal, soft palate, and tongue operations to skeletal framework procedures. These can range from minimally invasive to major surgery. The problem is that by definition, they'll all work to a certain degree. For example, procedures for a stuffy nose have been shown to "cure" sleep apnea in 10% of patients. But for the most part, none of these options by themselves have very good success rates.

The key is to examine the upper airway for each individual and figure out where the obstruction is and take care of it simultaneously. Most people have more than one area of obstruction. Surgeons at Stanford have about a 75 to 80% success rate with soft palate and tongue base procedures. This is called multi-level surgery for sleep apnea. You have to look at the airway from the tip of the nose all the way to the voice box.

3. There's No Cure for Sleep Apnea

Unless we all undergo tracheotomies, there's no way to prevent breathing pauses at night. Modern humans' upper airway anatomy is thought to be predisposed to breathing problems at night, which only gets worse as we age. I talk about why this problem has gotten much worse in recent years in my book, Sleep, Interrupted. 

All of us are on a continuum, where various factors (anatomy, age, weight, inflammation, etc.) contribute to forces that make our tongues and palates collapse. The older we get, we'll either gain weight, which narrows our breathing passageways, or our throat tissues will sag and collapse easier.

Surgery will shift the line of this continuum downwards, but it won't bring it down completely. This is why it's important to incorporate a healthy diet and lifestyle and exercise regimen into any sleep apnea treatment regimen.

For most people, lowering the numbers significantly will make you feel much better. But sometimes, the numbers will go down dramatically, but you may not feel any better. This just goes to show that there may be other issues besides sleep apnea that have to be addressed. You've had sleep apnea for years or decades. Just fixing your sleep apnea won't immediately fix problems that can arise from sleep apnea, such as hormonal problems, weight gain, or memory problems, and brain fog.

4. Surgery is the Last Resort, But Don't Rule It Out

Admittedly, there are many people who rush to surgery prematurely, but there are also many others that aren't even offered surgery due to misconceptions by physicians. There are also many patients that are turned off by all the conflicting information that's available on the internet.

Before you even think about surgery, make sure you've tried or considered all the other options thoroughly. Most people who fail CPAP do so because of poor counseling, support, and follow-up by the medical system. 

Just like everything else with life, your chances of success depend on which doctors you see. The follow-up and support offered by your CPAP equipment vendor can also play an important role in whether or not you'll benefit from CPAP. The same issues also apply to dental devices for sleep apnea.

This is why it's important to educate yourself about all the treatment options, and not to give up too easily. Too many people give up at this point and don't consider any further treatments. Surround yourself with a group of trusted doctors and professionals that forms a team. 

Use their expertise and guidance to find a way to make things work. If nothing works for you, don't rule out surgery just for the sake of avoiding surgery. Learn and educate yourself about surgery before rejecting it.

5. How to Find the Right Surgeon?

Finding the right surgeon for your sleep apnea condition can be challenging. Everyone claims to specialize in snoring and sleep apnea surgery. Who are you to believe?

First of all, find someone who's comfortable performing a wide range of procedures in all three areas of the upper airway (nose, soft palate, and tongue). Are they familiar with the minimally invasive procedures as well as the standard options? Not everyone will be an expert at all the procedures, but it's important to know about all the other options as well as to make appropriate referrals when necessary.

There are a variety of "minimally invasive" procedures out there, especially for the soft palate, but these procedures have to be offered very selectively. Even if successful initially, is your surgeon prepared for relapses that are likely years later? Is the goal of surgery only to cover up the snoring, or will it treat the underlying anatomic causes?

If your surgeon recommends palatal surgery "just to see," without addressing the entire upper airway from the nose to the tongue, go for a second opinion. If you do decide to undergo a palatal procedure (with or without tonsillectomy), be prepared for a 60% failure rate, which means that the tongue needed to be addressed as well. 

Sometimes, more needs to be done to the soft palate or the nose has to be addressed. Everyone is different, and the treatment recommendations have to be tailored to the individual.

Also here is something important you don’t want to miss!

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

Today is a good day. Tonight will be even better.


Because you’re about to learn easy throat exercises that cure (not just treated) your stubborn snoring — in 3 minutes — starting TONIGHT!

…even if straps, sprays and even torturing CPAP masks have failed you in the past.

Most people heal their snoring in just a few minutes per day using these powerful throat exercises. And they’re so easy, you can do them, regardless of your age or physical shape.

Use them anytime, anywhere… even while stuck in traffic or watching TV. Plus the results are permanent!

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Does Asthma Have Something to Do With Sleep Apnea?

There have been studies correlating sleep apnea and asthma. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder characterized by disruption in breathing as a person sleeps. The pauses are called apneas, and they can last for a period of time when normal breathing is disrupted, causing the person to skip one or more breaths. 

Doctors have categorized apneas to have caused a 10-second pause between breaths, and this should cause neurological arousal or desaturation of blood oxygen of 3 to 4 percent or more. Both neurological arousal and blood oxygen desaturation can also occur at the same time.

There are three kinds of sleep apneas: obstructive, central, and complex. It has been estimated that 84% of sleep apneas are obstructive, 0.4% central, and 15% complex. Obstructive, which is the most common, is caused by the physical block to airflow despite the body's efforts to breathe. 

Central sleep apnea has something to do with how the brain signals the body to breathe, and miscommunication interrupts breathing. Complex sleep apnea is actually the combination of both obstructive and central, which means the two kinds of sleep apnea transition into one another.

The problem with sleep apnea, however, is the person's inability to recognize that he or she has it, even if the person suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night. Usually, sleep apneas are identified by other people who witness the person's sleeping habits. 

Some people who suffer from sleep apnea might go on without knowing they have had it for years or even decades. Though rarely fatal, sleep apnea causes anxiety, fatigue, and sleepiness during the morning.

Asthma, on the other hand, is more recognizable by many since it is largely hereditary and easily diagnosed. Though the two might be entirely different, this does not mean that they are not correlated. 

According to the University of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, young women who have asthma are twice likely to develop sleep apnea. They noticed that young women with asthma snore a lot while sleeping, and one of the best indicators that a person has sleep apnea is habitual snoring. 

Many people often disregard snoring in young adults as an indicator of sleep apnea, since many have the notion that sleep apnea only affects older people (especially men). In fact, there are many groups of people who are susceptible to sleep apnea, and researchers at the University of Cincinnati have correlated respiratory complications (due to smoking, asthma, or otherwise) with sleep apnea.

Other studies also have found that asthma can cause other sleeping disorders other than sleep apnea. Support of this theory is that many asthmatics have reported sleepiness during the daytime, which is an indicator of sleep apnea. 

However, patients who have both sleep apnea and asthma have found relief from their asthma when they were treated for their sleep apnea. The trouble with this theory is that researchers have yet to concretely correlate both sleep apnea and asthma. 

Though many studies have indicated that there is a connection, until they find a definite link between the two, they will still have yet to find a better way to treat both conditions.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.

Monday, January 9, 2023

You Will Have A Heart Attack When Sleep Apnea Is Left Untreated

Have a heart attack you may ask yourself! It may sound extreme but untreated sleep apnea can produce a host of other illnesses' heart disease is the most likely.

Sleep apnea is a serious type of sleep disorder, with its characteristic loud snoring, followed by intermittent brief pauses in breathing while sleeping.

There are many people who snore for various reasons, so just because someone snores does not mean they suffer from sleep-disordered breathing like sleep apnea. However, apnea patients do snore very loudly.

Sleep Apnea is a disorder where the person sleeping involuntarily stops breathing for approximately up to ten seconds. Generally, the apneas happen and the patient is unaware of them until informed by a bed partner or loved one.

Complications of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is more common in older obese men. This subset of persons is also more likely to have excess flesh in their throat area, making them more at risk for upper airway obstruction. The usual symptoms of sleep apnea besides loud snoring are lethargy and painful morning headaches.

Sleep apnea should not be taken lightly because sleep-disordered breathing may be a symptom of a more serious medical condition.

While there are many sleep apnea health difficulties, coronary arteries disease and heart attack are the most serious if you are obese and you suffer from some kind of sleep-disordered breathing, like sleep apnea

There are several types of sleep apnea: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSAS) Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) Mixed. There is also a lesser-known sleep disorder called Complex Sleep Apnea. The most common form of apnea however is obstructive sleep apnea.

When the upper airway is completely closed cutting off breathing in the process, then we call that obstructive sleep apnea. Untreated your cardiovascular health becomes compromised.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea has to be diagnosed and treated as fast as possible due to the likelihood of it causing other health problems like hypertension.

Treatment for sleep disorders like sleep apnea can be nonsurgical or surgical.

There are a number of treatments for obstructive sleep apnea, based primarily on the individual's medical history and the severity of the disorder.

The prompt evaluation must be started as soon as sleep apnea episodes are suspected to find out what is causing it, determine its severity, and to be able to initiate the appropriate treatment regimen and prevent serious complications.

The only way to accurately diagnose obstructive sleep apnea is with the help of a physician and, quite often, a sleep study.

The most accurate diagnostic tools, polysomnography, should confirm the diagnosis and assist the doctor in identifying the type of sleep apnea you have.

Some patients will need a combination of therapies to successfully treat their apnea. Your doctor will make that determination for you.

If your sleep apnea is treated with a mechanical device such as CPAP, you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your risks. Though there is no cure for sleep apnea, recent studies reveal that successful treatment can greatly reduce the risk of heart and high blood pressure problems.

At the end of the day, sleep apnea left untreated can be life-threatening.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes — Starting Tonight

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program is a series of throat exercises designed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

According to the Blue Heron Health News official site, what makes The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program a unique program is that it combines up to 24 unique but simple exercises to ensure one heals their snoring and sleep apnea problems.

The site further claims that by identifying the five existing types of snoring and carefully crafting the necessary solution to each root cause, using the program ensures that one will be healed.

The best part about the program is that one doesn’t have to strain themselves with strenuous exercise, expensive tools, and drugs, or even, really use their voice. With simple 3-to-5-minute exercises, they can regain back control of their sleep.

To learn more and test-drive the easy snoring and sleep apnea exercises for yourself, click here…

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Cure Snoring - Review These Simple Solutions

How can I cure snoring problems? There are several reasons we snore, and I will discuss that in a minute. What you really want to know is how to stop snoring. You may be looking for a way to cure snoring, and I may be able to help. Give me five minutes of your time and together we will try to solve your snoring problems.

There are several things that cause snoring. There are also several things you can try to cure snoring. One of the most common causes of snoring is tongue interference. This occurs when you sleep on your back and the tongue is in the way of the back of the throat. This blocks the airflow from the mouth to the lungs. 

As the tongue vibrates against the back of the throat, it causes an annoying and loud vibration, called snoring. If this is the problem, you can just switch sleep positions. Try sleeping on your side, your tongue will move to the side of your mouth, away from the back of your throat. 

This should stop the vibration and you will get a peaceful rest hopefully you will have solved your snoring problems.

If your tongue is the cause of your snoring, you can purchase an expensive custom-made device, but this should only be considered as a last resort, as there are less expensive remedies you should try first. 

Some have also consulted a dentist, but even before you do that you should try some less expensive solutions such as nasal strips. These strips are worn over the bridge of your nose while you sleep, these adhesive strips gently pull open your nasal passages encouraging you to breathe through your nose, rather than your mouth, which should reduce your snoring. 

Unfortunately, some people may not be able to sleep with this thing on their nose, If you can not wear the strip, it will not cure snoring.

Now I have also heard that drinking more tea and less coffee will stop snoring. I also was told to put a humidifier in my room, as this does help when you have a case of the sniffles, but I found it did not stop snoring.

I would like to suggest two ways to stop snoring which may solve your snoring problems.

Stop snoring remedy #1

If you are a smoker, I would suggest you quit smoking because a huge number of smokers do snore. Many people who have quit smoking, have also been able to cure snoring.

Not only will this cure snoring, but there are also obvious health benefits to kicking the habit. Reducing snoring is not the best benefit of quitting smoking. You will drastically reduce your chances of getting cancer, your heart will be healthier and your lungs will no longer be black, and you will not have that awful smell lingering around. 

You will have more energy and obviously, you will be better rested because you were able to stop snoring. Then if smoking was the cause of your snoring, you have effectively solved two of your problems, and just think of all that extra money you will also have. Good for you. Now if smoking does not apply to you, then forget I mentioned it.

Stop snoring remedy #2

Perhaps the solution could be as simple as dropping a few pounds. We also know that many overweight people snore, which can be very embarrassing especially if you are a woman and your husband makes fun of you in front of his buddies. 

If you lose a few pounds and stop snoring you will be happier and healthier, and your husband will have to find a new subject for his jokes. You will also feel proud that you found an effective way to cure snoring, and you will gladly suggest it to your friends, especially the ones with snoring husbands.

Do not lose another night of sleep, nudging your partner to turn over all night. Snoring affects about 45% of the adult population, preventing a good night's sleep for millions of people. It is unhealthy to not get proper rest, night after night. 

Learn ways to stop snoring! Or better yet cure snoring. Do yourself a favor and end your snoring problems tonight!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Stop Snoring in 3 Minutes - Starting Tonight

These easy throat exercises defeated the most stubborn snoring and sleep apnea the very first night

I couldn’t believe it.

I did these simple throat exercises for three minutes in the morning and hardly snored at all the next night.

A few nights later, my snoring was gone entirely and had never returned.

This short video explains the easy exercises in detail. You can start using them within 10 minutes from now (right where you’re sitting) and treat your snoring as soon as tonight.